[New-York-News] Emailing: NFB of New York State Constitution (rev. 2024-09-07)

Margo Downey margo.downey at roadrunner.com
Thu Sep 12 02:01:42 UTC 2024

Hi, everyone,


The Constitution Review Committee has been working on our NFB of New York
State Constitution. We are sending the Constitution with changes. We are
inviting you to the Constitution Town Hall meeting on Monday, September 16
at 7 p.m. This is the place to ask questions you might have after reading
the Constitution. 


Our Constitution is important because it shapes how our NFB affiliate


At Convention, the Constitution will be read at the Friday afternoon General
Session and again during the Saturday afternoon session. After the reading
on Saturday afternoon, we will vote the Constitution as amended. 


The entire Constitution will be pasted below this email and will also be


We welcome you to join us at the Town Hall Meeting. 


Please see the Zoom information and one-tap phone call information below.


7PM Monday September 16th

Constitution Town Hall Meeting


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 416 814 8519

Passcode: 92645


One tap mobile

+19292056099,,4168148519#,,,,*92645# US (New York)



Margo Downey she, her, hers

Chair, Constitution Review Committee


N F B of N Y S Logo 

Constitution of the National Federation of the Blind of New York State,

As Amended September 7, 2024


Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the National Federation of the Blind
of New York State, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as NFB of NYS.


Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the NFB of NYS shall be to advance the general welfare of the
blind of New York State and the nation; to function as an integral part of
the National Federation of the Blind; to serve as a vehicle for collective
action by the blind of New York State; to operate as a mechanism through
which the blind and the interested public can come together in organized
chapters and state meetings to plan and carry out programs to improve the
quality of life of the blind; to provide a means of collective action for
parents of blind children; to forward the interests of blind students and
provide them with a means of joint action and expression; to promote the
vocational, cultural, and social advancement of the blind; to achieve the
integration of the blind into society on a basis of equality; and to take
any other action which will improve the overall condition and standard of
living of the blind.


Article III: Membership

Section A: Active Members

At least a majority of the active members of this organization must be
blind. Active membership shall be of two (2) classifications: active members
who are affiliated with organized chapters or divisions; and active members
who are not affiliated with organized chapters or divisions, and thus are

1.  All active members of organized chapters or divisions shall
automatically become active members of this organization, with the right to
vote, serve on committees, speak on the floor, and hold office.


2.  Any person who is not affiliated with an organized chapter or division
may become an active member of this organization by receiving a majority
vote of the active members present and voting at a convention or by
complying with the requirements established by the Board of Directors. They
would thus be a Member-At-Large.


The Board of Directors may establish other classes of membership.


Section B: Disciplinary Action

Any member may be expelled; and any chapter or division may be expelled,
suspended, or reorganized for violation of this constitution, the Code of
Conduct, or for conduct unbecoming to a member, chapter, or division of the
Federation by a majority vote of the active members present and voting at
any regular business session of this organization, or by a two-thirds vote
of the Board of Directors. The State Convention of this organization may
reinstate any person who has been expelled, unless such expulsion has been
confirmed by the National Convention or by the Board of Directors of the
National Federation of the Blind, in which event the person may not be
reinstated except by the National Board. Any person who feels that they have
been unjustly disciplined or expelled from this organization, or any chapter
or division which feels that it has been unjustly disciplined, reorganized,
or expelled may appeal to the Board of Directors of the National Federation
of the Blind, which may (in its discretion) consider the matter and make a
binding decision; but until or unless the action of discipline,
reorganization, or expulsion is reversed by the National Board, it shall
continue in effect.


Article IV: Officers and Board of Directors

Section A: Officers

The Officers of this organization shall be (1) President, (2) First Vice
President, (3) Second Vice President, (4) Secretary, and (5) Treasurer. All
officers shall be elected at the annual Convention of the NFB of NYS during
odd-numbered years by a

majority vote of the members present and voting and shall serve a two-year
term. The terms of these officers shall begin at the close of the convention
at which they were elected and qualified. If no nominee receives a majority
vote on the first ballot, the person receiving the fewest votes shall be
dropped from the list of nominees, and a second ballot shall be taken. This
procedure shall continue until one of the nominees has received a majority
vote from the active members present and voting.


Section B: Board of Directors

This organization shall have a Board of Directors consisting of the five
constitutional officers and six additional members who shall be elected for
two-year terms at the annual convention of the NFB of NYS during even
numbered years. The six directors shall be elected in the same manner as
that prescribed for the election of officers. A quorum of the Board of
Directors must be present at all Board meetings to conduct any business.
This shall include a majority of the Board members.


Article V: Powers and Duties of the Convention, the Board of Directors, and
of the President

Section A: Powers of the Convention

The NFB of NYS will meet annually in Convention assembled at a time and
place to be selected by the President, with the approval of the Board of
Directors. At least five Board members (two of whom must be officers) and
twenty additional members must be present to constitute a quorum to transact
business at a State Convention.


The Convention is the supreme authority of the organization. It is the
legislature of the NFB of NYS. As such, it has final authority with respect
to all issues of policy. Its decisions must be made after the opportunity
has been afforded for full and fair discussion.


Members in attendance may participate in all Convention discussions as a
matter of right. Any member may make (or second) motions, propose
nominations, and serve on committees; except that only blind members are
eligible for election to office. Voting and making motions by proxy are


Consistent with the democratic character of the Federation, Convention
meetings shall be conducted as to prevent parliamentary maneuvers which
would have the effect of interfering with the expression of the will of the
majority on any question, or with rights of the minority to full and fair
presentation of their views.


Section B: Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors

The function of the Board of Directors as the governing body of the
organization between conventions is to make policies when necessary and not
in conflict with the policies adopted by the Convention. Policy decisions
which can be reasonably postponed until the next meeting of the Convention
shall not be made by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall
serve as a credentials committee. It shall have the power to deal with
organizational problems presented to it by any member, organized chapter, or
division. It shall decide appeals regarding the validity of elections in
organized chapters or divisions; and shall certify the credentials of
members when questions regarding such credentials arise.


The Board of Directors shall meet at the time of each State Convention. It
shall hold other meetings at the call of the President, or on the written
request of five of its members.


Section C: Powers and Duties of the President

The President is the principal administrative officer of the organization.
In this capacity, their duties consist of: carrying out the policies adopted
by the Convention; conducting the day-to-day management of the affairs of
the organization; authorizing expenditures from the treasury in accordance
with and in implementation of the policies established by the Convention;
appointing all committees; coordinating all activities of the organization,
including the work of other officers and committees; hiring, supervising and
dismissing staff members and other employees of the organization, and
determining their numbers and compensation; taking all administrative
actions necessary and proper to put into effect the programs and accomplish
the purposes of the Federation. The implementation and administration of the
interim policies adopted by the Board of Directors are the responsibility of
the President as the principal administrative officer of the organization.

The President is an ex officio member of all chapters, divisions, and
committees except for any committee charged with the nomination of affiliate
officers or board members.


Article VI: Organized Chapters, Divisions, and Groups

Section A: Organized Chapters

Any organized group desiring to become an Organized Chapter of the NFB of
NYS shall apply for affiliation by submitting to the President of the NFB of
NYS a copy of its Constitution and a list of the names and full contact
information including postal mail address, phone number, and e-mails of its
members and elected officers. When the NFB of NYS, either in convention
assembled or by action of its Board of Directors, shall have approved the
application, it shall secure for the organized chapter a Charter of
Affiliation from the national office. At least thirty days prior to the
annual State Convention, each organized chapter shall provide to the
Treasurer of the NFB of NYS a current list of its members and dues. These
member lists must include the member's name, post office mailing address,
phone number, e- mail address and indication of whether the member has paid
their dues.

Upon request, an organized chapter shall also provide the state President
with a list of the names and addresses of the chapter members and with a
detailed financial report of the chapter for the past year. The fiscal year
of this organization shall be the calendar year. As new members enter
organized chapters, their names and addresses shall be sent without delay to
the Treasurer of the state organization. No group shall be accepted or
remain as a chapter unless a majority of its voting members are blind. The
President, the Vice President or Vice Presidents, and at least the majority
of the Officers or Board of Directors of the organized chapter must be
blind. As a condition of affiliation, a chapter must hold at least six
general membership meetings per year. The President of the NFB of NYS shall
be an ex officio member of each organized chapter.


Section B: Divisions

NFB of NYS shall organize statewide divisions in accordance with procedures
established by the Board of Directors. Such divisions shall function as
statewide chapters, and as such, shall be subject to all the rules outlined
above for organized chapters, with the exception that a division of parents
of blind children shall not be required to have the majority of its board of
directors and officers to be blind, provided a majority of its members,
board of directors and officers be parents of blind children.


Section C: Groups

Groups focusing on specific topics related to the blind of New York may be
formed. Any group of this organization wishing to be formed must submit a
written request to the Board of Directors for their consideration.

Article VII: Affiliation

NFB of NYS shall be an affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind and
shall furnish to the President of the National Federation of the Blind
annually, on or before January 1, a list of the names and addresses of its
members and elected officers, a copy of the Constitution of NFB of NYS, and
of all amendments to the Constitution. These shall be sent to the President
of the National Federation of the Blind without delay. The NFB of NYS shall
not merely be a social organization but shall formulate programs and
actively work to promote the economic and social betterment of the blind.
This organization shall comply with the provisions of the Constitution of
the National Federation of the blind, and the provisions of the contract
appearing on the back of the Charter of Affiliation issued to state
affiliates by the National Federation of the Blind. Policy decisions of the
National Federation of the Blind (whether made by the National Convention or
the National Board of Directors) are binding on this organization, and this
organization shall participate affirmatively in carrying out such policy
decisions. As a condition of affiliation, it is agreed by this organization
that the National Federation of the Blind, whether by action of the National
Convention or the National Board, has the power to expel or discipline an
individual member, and to expel and reorganize a state affiliate or
organized chapter or division of an affiliate, and the former affiliate or
organized chapter or division shall dissolve and cease to exist. The name
national federation of the blind, federation of the blind, or any variant
thereof, are the property of the National Federation of the Blind; and any
affiliate, organized chapter or state division of an affiliate which ceases
to be part of the National Federation of the Blind (for whatever reason)
shall forthwith forfeit the right to use the name national federation of the
blind, federation of the blind, or any variant thereof.


Article VIII: Delegates to the National Convention of the National
Federation of the Blind

This organization shall appoint the President as Delegate to the National
Convention of the National Federation of the Blind. The President shall
appoint an Alternate Delegate who must be a member in good standing of the
NFB of NYS. If either the Delegate or Alternate Delegate is unable to serve,
the President shall select replacement Delegates who must be members in good
standing of the NFB of NYS. To the extent of the resources of this
organization, the expenses of the Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the
National Convention of the National Federation of the Blind shall be paid by
NFB of NYS. The Delegate and/or Alternate Delegate shall, upon request, 

submit to the members of this organization a detailed report of their
activities and voting record.


Article IX: Dues

The dues of this organization shall be determined by its Board of Directors,
payable in advance and expiring on December 31 each year, necessitating
renewal annually. In accordance with Article VI of the Constitution,
organized chapters shall pay the state dues of their members. Members
at-large shall pay their dues annually. No person may vote who is delinquent
in the payment of their dues. The membership year will be the calendar year.


Article X: Disbursement of Funds

The funds of this organization shall be deposited in a bank to be selected
by the Treasurer with the approval of the President. All financial
obligations of this organization shall be discharged on written order of the
President and processed by the Treasurer.


Article XI: Vacancies

If a vacancy should occur for any reason in the office of President, the
First Vice President shall assume all duties of the President for the
remainder of that term of office. The Second Vice President shall assume the
duties of the First Vice President for the remainder of the term. The Board
of Directors will appoint a Second Vice President. Likewise, if a vacancy
should occur in the office of First Vice President, the Second Vice
President will assume the duties of the First Vice President for the
remainder of the term, and the Board will appoint a Second Vice President.


If vacancies occur in the offices of Second Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer, or additional Board Member, the Board will appoint replacements.
In all cases, appointments by the Board of Directors to office shall not
extend beyond the following State Convention, at which time elections will
be held to fill any mid-term vacancies in the offices of Second Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, or additional Board Member.


Article XII: Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of this organization, or if (for whatever
reason) this organization ceases to be an affiliate of the National
Federation of the Blind, its assets shall be given to the National
Federation of the Blind to be held in trust for a reorganized affiliate in
New York State. If no affiliate is reorganized in the State for a period of
two years from the date this organization ceases to be an affiliate of the
National Federation of the Blind, the assets shall become the property of
the National Federation of the Blind. Furthermore, in the event of the
dissolution of an organized chapter, or if (for whatever reason) the
organized chapter ceases to be a part of this organization, its assets shall
become the property of the NFB of NYS and it shall forthwith cease to use
the name National Federation of the Blind, Federation of the Blind, or any
variant thereof.


Article XIII: Amendments

This Constitution may be amended at any annual State Convention of this
organization by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and
voting, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the
President, and read at a business session of the Convention prior to the
session during which the vote is taken; and provided it is not inconsistent
with the provisions of the Charter of Affiliation received from the National
Federation of the Blind, and with the policies of the National Federation of
the Blind.


Article XIV: Code of Conduct

The NFB of NYS shall abide by the National Federation of the Blind Code of
Conduct. All individuals within the organization, including all attendees at
NFB-sponsored events, are expected to refrain from the unwelcome and harmful
misconduct outlined in the Code, including, but not limited to
discrimination, abuse, misuse of power, sexual misconduct, conflict of
interest, fraud, and other forms of misconduct.


Official Pledge of the National Federation of the Blind

I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its





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NFB of New York State Constitution (rev. 2024-09-07)



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