[Nfb-announce] New List for Douglas County Kansas (Lawrence, ) Chapter

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Fri Dec 25 20:54:14 UTC 2009

I am pleased to announce a new list "jayhawk-talk," a list for the 
Douglas County, Kansas -- Lawrence, Kansas Chapter.  If you want to 
join, and keep up with the chapter, and the University of Kansas 
Jayhawks, then read on:

Welcome to the Jayhawk-talk list; Jayhawk-talk fosters the membership 
and activities of the Douglas County Chapter, NFB of Kansas.  This 
list is for members  and those interested in our chapter. This list 
is here to: announce chapter meetings and events; encourage friendly 
discussion; discuss blindness related topics; and share important 
information from Kansas state NFB leadership, as well as from the 
National Office.

To join the list either go to:


or send e-mail to jayhawk-talk-request at nfbnet.org and put the word 
subscribe in the subject line.


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