[NFB-Arkansas] Fwd: Registration

Larry Wayland lhwayland at sbcglobal.net
Fri Sep 17 01:12:27 UTC 2021

To help you register for the NFB state convention, following is the direct link to the registration page. 

State Convention | National Federation of the Blind of Arkansas (nfbar.org) <http://www.nfbar.org/state-convention> 

From: NFB-Arkansas [mailto:nfb-arkansas-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Nena Chadwick via NFB-Arkansas
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 2:10 PM
To: nfb-arkansas at nfbnet.org list serv <nfb-arkansas at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Nena Chadwick <nchadwick at nfbar.org>
Subject: [NFB-Arkansas] Fwd: Registration


Yes it’s that time of the year,   Spread the word….


Begin forwarded message:


From: Nena Chadwick <nchadwick at nfbar.org <mailto:nchadwick at nfbar.org> >

Subject: Registration

Date: August 19, 2021 at 2:28:11 PM CDT

To: bphilpot at nfbar.org <mailto:bphilpot at nfbar.org> , David Henry <rockinh57 at cox.net <mailto:rockinh57 at cox.net> >, Terry Sheeler <tsheeler at nfbar.org <mailto:tsheeler at nfbar.org> >, Donavon Cavender <donavoncavender at gmail.com <mailto:donavoncavender at gmail.com> >, Bettye Johnson <bettyeljohnson at att.net <mailto:bettyeljohnson at att.net> >, Freddie Wilkey <freddiewilkey at icloud.com <mailto:freddiewilkey at icloud.com> >, Arkabs <nfbarkabs at gmail.com <mailto:nfbarkabs at gmail.com> >, Tanya VanHouten <vanharris62 at gmail.com <mailto:vanharris62 at gmail.com> >, Cindy Scott-Huisman <crsh at att.net <mailto:crsh at att.net> >, Jimmy Sparks <jsparks1206 at outlook.com <mailto:jsparks1206 at outlook.com> >

Cc: Nena <nchadwick at nfbar.org <mailto:nchadwick at nfbar.org> >


I need help!!!!
Please talk to everyone that you know and get them to sign up for the State Convention.  
Have someone that is thinking of joining , great have them register and let them see what the fuss is about. Or, anyone that you think would like to learn more about how they can help in the community.

To register go to the Arkansas State Webpage and click on Convention and fill out the form.
Remember to register is free this year due to being virtual, but if you can make a donation, that would be great too!

Spread the word!!

Nena Chadwick
State President
National Federation of the Blind of Arkansas
479-435-8348 nchadwick at nfbar.org <mailto:nchadwick at nfbar.org> 


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