[NFB-Arkansas] Absent-Tea fundraising meeting this evening

Cindy Scott-Huisman crsh at att.net
Thu Aug 25 16:50:39 UTC 2022

Please pass this reminder along to any members who may not receive this.

We are launching a state-wide fundraising campaign, mid-September. This is a fantastic way for you to contribute your time and efforts, in a simple way. 
We have designed a proven way to raise funds, and each member can get involved.
The concept is the description of an event that participants do not have to attend. It is called an Absent-Tea. 
14 members stepped up and agreed to distribute 500 jumbo sized postcard invitations. The same basic wording will also be distributed via email and social media. This is where you can help. 
We have a meeting time set up on Zoom for this evening, August 25, 7:00. All the links to join this meeting are at the bottom of this message. If you can’t attend, and you want additional info so you can get involved, please reply, or call 501-920-7454.
We will go over what needs to happen to make this project a huge success. 
Thanks to each of you, for considering the value you can add to our Absent-Tea!!!
Let me know if you have any questions,
Cindy Scott-Huisman
Central Arkansas Chapter president
P.S. To those who are distributing cards, there will be time at the end for us to talk about when the cards should go out, and other details so we will all be on the same page. 
NFB of Arkansas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NFB of Arkansas's Zoom Meeting
Time: Aug 25, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time(US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: nfbARzoom1
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Meeting ID: 632 272 6273
Passcode: 2290535579
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abUoe8Jtkp

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Life is short and dictation is faster — please pardon any errors.

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