[nfb-db] Adjusting, and a few questions

April Brown aprilbrownwrite at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 19:23:49 UTC 2013


     Until a year ago, I mostly ignored my low hearing.  I've worn a 
hearing aid for years.  A year ago, my vision suddenly failed 
drastically.  Obviously, it was never good to begin with either, and I 
never did learn to read lips. I still don't have an official diagnosis 
or prognosis.

      Both of these issues have caused me issues in the past.  Even as 
my vision fails, and my eye hurts constantly, I still comprehend better 
by seeing and reading.  I intend to learn Braille in January.  
(Novemeber is a busy month for writers, and December is busy with in laws).

       Many, many years ago, in college, I attempted to take a sign 
language course.  I didn't learn a thing.  All I ever saw was motion, 
and nothing that made sense.  At the time, I blamed it on the stress of 
my life.  Now, I'm not so sure it was just stress. Still, I wish I had 

In the meantime, and in the future, how do I convince doctors, and other 
professionals, that an email is better than trying to comprehend a phone 

To go along with another thread or two, a few times I asked for help on 
a blind list I had the "I can call you and talk you though it" 
response.  Which is great, except, I don't really comprehend well on the 
phone, even from people I know.  Especially if there is any background 
sound.  I do appreciate the sentiment.

I'm still very new in this situation, and yes, I'm partially still in 
denial, I'm sure.


April Brown

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