[nfb-db] Careers

Jennifer Woods jem4ever at icloud.com
Tue Jun 16 03:33:27 UTC 2015

Hi Everyone,

I am wondering if you can suggest Career options?
I am Deaf-Blind with some residual hearing but no useable vision other than light perception.
I am working with my CA Department of Rehabilitation Office. I live in Southern CA.
Due to circumstances I am not able to move out of the area where I am living now.
I am still in the process of obtaining my degree. 
I want to work in an advocacy or support role. A role where I am helping people and making a difference. I had so many professionals make a difference in my lifer and advocate for me, I want to be able to give back and do the same for other people Especially kids or older people who  possibly can’t advocate for themselves.
Previously I wanted to work with Deaf kids, but after recently loosing the remainder of my vision that is no longer an option, therefore I am trying to explore other options.

I was thinking perhaps a case worker with Deaf-Blind, however the area that I live in does not have a very large Deaf-Blind Community.
Perhaps a teacher of the Visually Impaired, but there are no programs near me, I am a more successful learner when I take actual classes on campus rather than online classes,
I also had the thought of working as a Disability Specialist. I am having trouble finding any helpful information about that,

Any Suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.

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