[NFB-DB] Google Disability Support now includes ASL

Doula Jarboe doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 20:50:47 UTC 2019

Hi Scott,

      I appreciate what you have to say and your perspective.  I don't
use TalkBack, I use Voice Assist.  I had a difficult time hearing
speech with TalkBack but did better with Voice Assist.  Also, in the
case of Voice Assist and BrailleBack, grade two translation was a lot
more recent that 2016.  More like last year.  One thing that drove me
nuts with the IPhone was unstable Bluetooth connectivity with multiple
devices.  With my Android, I can have my Bluetooth device with my
hearing aids and my Braille display both connected to my phone, and
they stay connected.

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