[Nfb-editors] the Anthology idea

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Tue Apr 5 03:01:06 UTC 2011

A couple of days ago I posted a question, an idea. Here is how I see it
would work:


Each of our newsletter editors send in 2 of their best articles. A small
team work to prepare them in a 'to be chosen" format. The finished product
then is sent out to all affiliates and distributed via their email lists and
on their Newsline channel. (No cost in time or money for printing or
embossing or recording) 


As for the above mentioned format- Starting out with a short intro of what
the anthology is about. Then with each 2 entries, give  credit to the
newsletter from where they came (a short write up about that publication).
Then --- whatever else needs to be said is up to the editing staff of the
anthology. (One last thought might be to speak of the purpose of a


The purpose- First: spreading our members accomplishments, sharing more of
the good stuff that people aren't normally getting the chance to see, and
generally, using the power of our writings to flying our Federation flag. 


Second: As a tool to encourage members to write and tell their stories and
to entice others to  create their own newsletter. 


Robert Leslie Newman

President, Omaha Chapter NFB

President, NFB Writers' Division

Division Website

 <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org/> http://www.nfb-writers-division.org

Chair, Newsletter Publication committee

Personal Website-

 <http://www.thoughtprovoker.info/> http://www.thoughtprovoker.info


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