[Nfb-editors] Anthology Idea- further thoughts

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Fri Apr 8 12:58:45 UTC 2011

Chris, Katie, Bridgit, lori and others:

(I've been out of town for the last few days)


You know, there are some articles of a how-to-do, or personal testimony
which are --- timeless. (Or at least, even after 2, 3, 4, 5, years, still
current in place and thought. And that it is sad that they do not get spread
outside the affiliate or division home publication.) 


Chris, you brought up a thoughtful series of issues:


-a) They don't think it's a good idea. (Your reference to why the list was
so quiet on the subject.) *** Maybe so. I'd rather hear that said than just
assume it (Hurting my feelings is not easy. Trying to get some good stuff
going, throwing out ideas to change or boost already existing "good stuff"
is not a "me thing." I'm attempting to find that common desire thing of our
"group thing." And so we look for consensus on any one thing and if that
doesn't fit, we look at yet another.) {I know that Federationest thinking
and feeling and willingness is alive and well in this group.}


-b) Like me, they are busy with the many balls we all juggle, and are afraid
a comment is as good as enlisting. *** No. Thought first (that's free) Later
we see who can commit to what. (There is very little writing and/or super
time consuming work to this project.) 


-c) They are, like we are here in Connecticut, fighting to keep their state
agency for the blind intact. *** I respect that. There is always something.
(This product will boost the spirits of the troops and/or possibly change
some minds of those who we are working hard to educate and get on our team.)


-d) They are busy organizing responses to that idiot in Florida who burned
the Koran and cost US military troops lives. *** MMM, we do have worries and
lives outside of the NFB. 


-e) They have been busy staying up late to watch the NCAA basketball
tournament (how about those Huskies!) *** More I say, of that --- we have


-f) They are apathetic. *** (Hand with index finger pointing back at item
F.) "Help me with this one." 


-g) They don't have 2 particularly good articles in the last year to submit.
Here in CT, we only put out 2 issues per year, and there are only 6 original
articles to even consider. *** We could look back as far as needed. 


**Bridgit you said: ".Anyway, I am all for this idea, but before we set a
lay-out and design concept, I think we should look at how other professional
anthologies are structured."  *** Sure enough, who ever wants to be on the
team to do this, they talk and set out the layout, rules and whatever. (I'm
for the KISS approach- "keep it simple stupid" Not meaning any reference to
anyone that I know) 


**Lori: Do I want to be the editor? No; I'm the guy who usually needs an
editor. Though I would work on the team, or not if others felt differently. 


**Katie: Thanks for being on the list and sharing your hopes and dreams and
for supporting our efforts. 


(Not all editors of NFB newsletters are on this list. If you know of an
editor or want-to-be, get them to join up!)



Robert Leslie Newman

President, Omaha Chapter NFB

President, NFB Writers' Division

Division Website

 <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org/> http://www.nfb-writers-division.org

Chair, Newsletter Publication committee

Personal Website-

 <http://www.thoughtprovoker.info/> http://www.thoughtprovoker.info


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