[Nfb-editors] Blacklisting

Joe Orozco jsorozco at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 01:03:59 UTC 2011


You give two possible offenses but do not deny that blacklisting exists,
only that this is far from blacklisting in your opinion.  I have publically
criticized NFB policies in the past.  Should I be aware of something before
I decide to join up again, because to be fair and candid, I really don't
plan to wait for a national convention to express my opinions on policies.
What, pray tell, is the punishment for public disagreement?  And, while I am
not so immature as to outline very concrete and specific examples of
blacklisting on the list, I am curious as to why when we list our NFB
presidents we conveniently forget to often include Ralph Sanders?  I respect
you, Mike, but don't insult my intelligence with utter nonsense of your own.


"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves,
some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all."--Sam Ewing

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