[Nfb-history] Fun in Detroit!

Morman, Ed EMorman at nfb.org
Thu Jun 4 12:48:13 UTC 2009

Members of the Living History Group -


The Jernigan Institute has an assignment--a very enjoyable job--for
those of you who come to Convention with recording devices.


We are hoping to collect reminiscences of long-time members of the NFB,
mainly about NFB history, but also about their lives as blind guys.  We
do not expect these to be formal oral history interviews, nor do we
expect to have video recordings.  We do want the sound quality to be


The results of these interviews may or may not be made publicly
available; this decision will be made at the National Center.
Participants should not plan on themselves posting either audio or text
versions of their interviews.  We are simply looking for raw material to
be stored at the National Center for use by future historians.


We want to have interviews of people who 

*         can personally remember Jacobus tenBroek, 

*         may have worked with Hazel tenBroek,

*         knew Kenneth Jernigan during his early days in the Federation
or in Iowa

*         remember the "Civil War" as it played out nationally or

*         have personal memories of major advances or setbacks for blind


We are planning to develop a list of people expected to be at the
convention whom we hope to have you interview.  The list probably won't
be complete, so you can feel free to interview other old-timers you may
come upon.  Later this month we will provide a list of questions we'd
like included.  We will also need formal permission from the interviewee
for use of their reminiscences.  


Please let me know if you are interested in participating.  I am
particularly eager to find a volunteer who will collect all the
interviews and organize them in accessible digital files.


With Federationist Greetings,


Ed Morman


Edward T. Morman, MSLS, PhD

Director, Jacobus tenBroek Library


1800 Johnson Street

Baltimore MD 21230

410.659.9314 x2225

410.685.2349 (fax)


2009 is Louis Braille's Bicentennial Year!


The 2009 Louis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar
gId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&identifier=4000>   is available
from the United States Mint.


Purchase one or more and help the organized blind in our campaign for


And be sure to check out 

www.braille.org <http://www.braille.org/> 




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