[Nfb-history] Youth Slam 2011 Audio

Peter Donahue pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com
Fri Jul 22 01:55:36 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,

    During the past two Youth SLAMS the students produced audio podcasts 
throughout the event that were posted on blindscience.org for interested 
persons to enjoy. So far no such podcasts and other audio or video 
presentations have been posted during this year's Youth SLAM. Does anyone 
know when these will be made available or if they're all ready online where 
does one access them? Thanks for the feedback.

Peter Donahue

"Will you come and awake our lost land from its slumber
      And her fetters we'll break, links that long are encumbered.
      And the air will resound with hosannas to greet you
      On the shore will be found gallant Irishmen to greet you."
Will You Come to the Bower
Traditional Irish Folk Song

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