[Nfb-history] Russell Kletzing speeches (Anna Kresmer)

Kresmer, Anna AKresmer at nfb.org
Wed Oct 3 12:43:11 UTC 2012

Dear NFB history enthusiasts,

>From what I can tell from the records in the tenBroek Papers, it appears that Russell Kletzing did not give any banquet speeches. However, he did give a presidential report at the 1964 NFB convention entitled "The State of Our Union". An abridged version of this speech is already available online at http://www.nfb.org/Images/nfb/Publications/bm/bm64/64BM-SEP.html#A8. If anyone is interested in seeing the full version of this speech, please let me know and I will send you a copy. 

I also discovered two other interesting speeches given by Kletzing, which may be of interest to fellow history buffs. The first is called "From Here to Equality", which was published in the October 1962 edition of The Blind American during his presidency. The second is called "Progress through Internal Federationism", which was given by Kletzing in the Spring of 1967 in his capacity as treasurer for the International Federation of the Blind. If anyone is interested in reading these speeches, please let me know and I will send you a copy.

I will be submitting all three of these speeches for possible addition to the NFB website, however I cannot say when or if they will be put up. Our illustrious library director, Ed Morman, is currently enjoying a long and much deserved vacation, so this decision will have to wait until after he returns. 

Have a lovely afternoon,

Anna K. Kresmer, MSLS
Jacobus tenBroek Library
National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute
200 East Wells Street 
at Jernigan Place
Baltimore, MD 21230
Telephone: (410) 659-9314, ext. 2310
Email: akresmer at nfb.org
Text the word BLIND to 85944 to donate $10 to the NFB Imagination Fund via your phone bill.
Check out the JtB Library's new archives and manuscripts database, The Cane Tip!

-----Original Message-----
From: Kresmer, Anna 
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 5:06 PM
To: 'nfb-history at nfbnet.org'
Subject: RE: Russell Kletzing speeches (Anna Kresmer)

Dear Brett,

I believe that Mike and Walter are probably right about this, but I will check the archives here at the tenBroek Library to make sure. It is possible that we have a hidden gem somewhere, if not a banquet speech then maybe his presidential report. If I find anything substantial from Kletzing, I will put it in the pipeline for possible addition to the NFB website. I'll report back to the listserv on what I find.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Anna K. Kresmer, MSLS
Jacobus tenBroek Library
National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute
200 East Wells Street 
at Jernigan Place
Baltimore, MD 21230
Telephone: (410) 659-9314, ext. 2310
Email: akresmer at nfb.org
Text the word BLIND to 85944 to donate $10 to the NFB Imagination Fund via your phone bill.
Check out the JtB Library's new archives and manuscripts database, The Cane Tip!

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