[Nfb-history] Why the National Federation of the Blind Recording

Tina Hansen th404 at comcast.net
Mon Mar 24 02:33:48 UTC 2014

In the 1970's, Dr. Jernigan produced a compilation of articles under the name Why the National Federation of the Blind. To my knowledge, it was produced on record, then tape, but I'm not sure it was ever made available digitally.

I asked our former tenBroek librarian to send me a recording of this publication in mp3 format, and I have had it sitting on my computer for a while. For whatever reason, I felt it was time to somehow make this available to members in digital form. I wanted to package it so that members could read all or part of it, whether they had a DAISY player, a straight mp3 player, a computer, or all of the above.

If National has no objections, I'd be willing to make this available to our members to give them some things to think about. I know that there are some dated references, but I still think it may have some value.

If nothing, I will be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor with my local chapter, since I can play selections from this at my local chapter meeting. Thanks.
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