[Nfb-history] Trying To Find "Braille Monitor" Article About Early History Of LCB

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Wed May 11 14:47:21 UTC 2016


I was chatting to a friend online today about an article I read in an
edition of "The Braille Monitor"--I think it was published in 2010 or
2011--in which either Dr. Joanne Wilson or Pam Allen was recounting
how the Louisiana Center was built after the Louisiana affiliate's
leadership was turned over back in the 1980s.  This story was actually
quite detailed and fascinating, as it pointed to the huge amount of
dysfunction that occurred in Louisiana--board meetings always
resulting in major arguments and never being able to get anything done
on a state level--even corruption--until a popular uprising among the
organized blind in that state caused the offending members of the
Louisiana Federation's board to be removed and replaced with people
who had a vision for something bigger and better and more ethically

It bothers me that I cannot find the article from which this story
came.  Does anyone have a record of which edition it was published in?

Alternatively, maybe I'm just losing my marbles.



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