[Nfb-idaho] Presidential communication methods

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Mar 10 18:49:05 UTC 2011

Dear Elsie:

I am, for obvious reasons, bothered by your 
message below.  You have accused me publicly of 
sensoring the Idaho List, which is not true.  In 
your message, you complain about a National 
Center staff member who accuses you of not being 
available, because they were using an outdated 
list.  You have said your list is censored, which 
it is not, it seems to me I am owed the same 
courtesy you ask of others toward you.

Any list member can post any message to the 
nfb-idaho list.  As long as they post it from the 
same e-mail address from which they subscribed, 
it will be distributed automatically.  If the 
message is really off topic, or inappropriate, I 
will do something after the fact, but don't stop stuff up front.

If I am remembering correctly, someone submitted 
a message to the nfbnet-master-list about an 
Idaho fund raiser, and I did reject that 
message.  The list goes to everybody subscribed 
to anything on the server, over 6000 persons and 
is used for matters of national importance, some 
division announcements, and the like.  While I 
probably could have done a better job of telling 
the person why the message was being rejected, 
there was a reason.  I get from 500 to 1000 
messages a day, so have to move pretty quickly.

Thanks for your consideration of this matter.

David Andrews, List Owner

At 01:42 AM 3/8/2011, you wrote:
>My fellow Idaho Federationnists, It has been 
>mentioned by a couple of people that I should 
>post more to the Idaho list 
>serve.  Communication is very important to 
>me.  Text communication is NOT my favorite way 
>to communicate, nor do I believe it is the most 
>effective.  Text can often be misconstrued 
>because the intent is sometimes lost in the 
>text.  Further more, in my book communication 
>is a two way street.  I do not receive instant 
>feedback, and sometimes I get too much feedback 
>from those who think their opinion is the only 
>one I should consider.  I have more text to 
>deal with than I care to read. Â  I am open to 
>all suggestions, and will consider every 
>idea.  Some of the best things come from others 
>ideas. Please let me know what you think. 
>Â  Emotions and voice inflections do not come 
>across the same in text, and I tend to 
>communicate quite a bit on the 
>phone.  Sometimes I have heard that someone has 
>tried to call and has left messages.  A Staff 
>person from our National Center tried repeatedly 
>to call me on a phone number that I had 
>disconnected two years ago when I married Larry 
>and moved to Malad City.  I have in my 
>possession an email from that staff person 
>apologizing for telling other members and staff 
>that I was not responding.  She had been 
>looking at an outdated list.  I also review my 
>cell phone and home phone Caller IDs quite 
>frequently.  Sometimes it seems that the people 
>who tend to scream the loudest do not appear on 
>my phone or cell caller IDs.  I am open to 
>discuss most all issues except those that are 
>confidential.    I have lost my cell phone 
>more than once, but always replace it as soon as 
>possible, and have had outages or interruptions 
>on my home service.  These were out of my 
>control.  I also have accidently deleted 
>messages unintentionally that I had not even 
>heard.  And sometimes someone else does it 
>unintentionally.  So no system is perfect nor 
>am I.  I do spend a lot of time talking to 
>members of the Federation.  I try to be 
>available during the majority of the waking 
>hours in the week.  I may need to set certain 
>days to do NFB work but I have not needed to do 
>that yet.     One compelling reason that I do 
>not put too much trust in the listserve is that 
>many members of our affiliate do not use 
>computers or do not use the internet, or for 
>whatever other reason do not choose to 
>communicate via the listserve.  Most if not all 
>do have telephones of one form or another.  To 
>be brutally honest, the listserve for Idaho is 
>censored by others outside our state.  There 
>are others outside Idaho who decide what they 
>will post of ours and what they will not post on 
>OUR listserve.  So, not everything that I would 
>choose to have on the listserv is posted. Or the 
>posting is postponed; case in point, our latest 
>fundraiser information has received a dubious 
>response from those who decide what will be 
>posted so it has not been posted yet of this 
>writing.    Please call me back if I do not 
>respond to your call.  I do sometimes forget 
>things, as do all of us.  If you want to talk 
>to me please call.   Elsie Dickerson Elsie H. 
>Dickerson - President National Federation of the 
>Blind of Idaho 211 North 70 East Malad City, 
>Idaho 83252 208-766-2266 Home 208-241-6030 
>Mobile elsiedickerson at ymail.com Elsie Hiebert 
>Dickerson “ Air is to the Body as 
>Understanding is to the Heart.” Stephen R. 
>Covey “I may have lost my eyesight, but I have 
>not lost my Vision.” J. C. Penney

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