[Nfb-idaho] I have now joined the boot brigade

Dana Ard Danalynard at q.com
Sun Sep 24 17:19:50 UTC 2017

I wanted to send this out so rumors don't get started. I found out this
morning that I have broken the third metatarsal bone in my right foot. It
happened when I stepped in a hole filled with water and mud at the corner of
our driveway, while returning from taking out the trash. This happened on
Wednesday and yes, I was using my cane, but I think the hole wasn't big
enough for the cane to find it, because it got bigger when I stepped in the
mud. Anyway, I thought I had just twisted my foot, especially since on
Thursday, I had no pain at all. On Friday, after I walked from a meeting at
the state library to Chicago Connection, I noticed that it was starting to
hurt again. I just figured it was bruised. Since it wasn't getting better,
and since I'm going to Iowa for the Iowa convention this next week, I
thought best to have it looked at. Well the bone is broken and like Jan and
Alison I now am wearing a boot and I get to see an orthopedist this week. I
have not been told that I can't go to Iowa, so I still intend to be at the
convention. Unfortunately, I want be doing any walks for fun and exercise
the next six weeks. Anyway, I wanted to write this so everyone knows the
real story. At least it wasn't one of my fingers, so I can still do the
computer, play my flute etc. The other good thing, it was my right foot that
is injured. Had it been my left, I would have had more problems because I
have poor balance on my right foot and a left foot injury would have been
much more of a problem because of balance. Don't forget our concert is only
3 weeks away, so buy tickets and tell your friends to do likewise.  

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