[Nfb-idaho] 2018 state convention agenda

Dana Ard Danalynard at q.com
Wed Apr 11 14:27:48 UTC 2018

Pasted and attached in this email is our exciting and dynamic state
convention agenda. Everyone needs to get busy and register. Registration is
down right now, but the convention is almost two weeks from now. We will
need your registration so we know how many meals to order for the banquet.
The order has to be in ahead. Let's get ready to raise expectations and
create opportunities in the National Federation of the Blind of Idaho.
National Federation of the Blind of Idaho

Dana Ard, President

1320 E. Washington

Boise, ID 83712

(208) 345-3906

danalynard at q.com


2018 NFBI State Convention Agenda

April 26-28, 2018

Red Lion Canyon Springs Hotel on Blue Lakes Blvd, Twin Falls ID

Phone (208) 734-5000


"Raising Expectations and Creating Opportunities"


Our NFB National Representative is Joe Ruffalo, President NFB of New Jersey.


Registration will be in the Convention Center Hallway at: 6:30 - 7:30 pm,
9:15 - 10 pm Thursday, 7:45 - 8:15 am Friday, 7:45 - 8:15 Saturday


Hospitality will be in Room 117: Friday 12:00 - 7:00, Saturday 12:00 - 2:00


Childcare will be in Room 119, with Angie Bradley.


Aira Site Access Network


Free Aira Site Access at National Federation of the Blind of Idaho State


The National Federation of the Blind has partnered with Aira to provide free
Aira site access to NFB members during our 2018 state convention. Aira
subscribers or Explorers can use the service at our convention for free
without having minutes deducted from their plan. It will automatically be
set up at our convention hotel. 


Aira allows blind individuals to connect to a live agent through a mobile
app or wearable glasses to get real-time visual information or assistance.
Learn more about Aira and special pricing available for NFB members


How It Works

When Aira users enter the convention hotel, referred to as the site-access
location by Aira, their phones will receive a notification letting them know
that the space is part of the Aira Site Access Network. When they speak with
their agent, he or she will inform them that they are then covered by the
network and their minutes will not be charged.


GPS must be enabled for users to participate in site access and receive free
minutes. When they leave or enter convention areas that are covered by the
Site Access Network, they will be informed by the Aira agent. To learn more
about Aira and the special plan for NFB members, visit


Red Lion Canyon Springs Hotel Directions


In the front of the hotel, there are two entrances.  The one to the right is
the door that will take you to where the hotel registration is. The door to
the left will take you to the hallway for the convention center. These two
doors are aproximately 20 feet apart.


When you step into the lobby and turn to your right the hotel registration
desk will be in front of you.


The stair locations are between room 104 and 106, between 117 and the
fitness center, between the fitness center and 119, between 128 and 130,
down the hallway by 134, between 145 and 147, and between 152 and 154.


To locate your sleeping room, go the left end of the front desk and you will
locate a hallway going to the right.


The first rooms on the left are the Willow Room and the Pine Room.


Proceed down the hallway to find your room and at the end you will turn to
the right or the left. Most of the rooms will be to the left.


Starting by the front desk with your back to the front desk, you will cross
the entrance, you will come to the hallway that turns to your right.  With
your back to the outside entrance, the meeting rooms will be on your left.
The vendor tables will be set up in that hallway.


The Cedar Room is the first one, then the Juniper Room and the Aspen Room. 

The restrooms are across the hallway from the Aspen Room.


Diamondfield's Restaurant will be straight ahead at the end of the hallway.


To get to Diamondfield's Lounge you take a right and quick left and the
lounge is straight ahead of you.


Our Board Dinner and Banquet will be in the Oak Room.  To get to the Oak
Room, you will walk between the lounge and the back of the restaurant and
the Oak Room is straight ahead of you.  There are restrooms in the Lounge.

Thursday, April 26, 2018


6:30-7:30      Registration Convention Center Hallway


7:30-9:00      Reception Hosted by Central Idaho Chapter National Federation
of the Blind of Idaho, Treasure Valley Chapter National Federation of the
Blind of Idaho, and Hospitality Committee. Meet up with old friends, make
new friends, and get to know our National Representative, Joe Ruffalo,
President NFB of New Jersey.

Hospitality Room 117

9:15-10:00    Registration-Convention Center Hallway


9:15    Resolutions Committee Vickie Bateman, Chair. This is an open
meeting. Come and learn how the policies of NFBI are made.
Willow Room


Friday March 27, 2018

General Session Cedar/Juniper Room


7:45-8:15      Registration Convention Center Hallway

8:00-8:30      Quick Fit: Join the students in a physical activity to get
your body and mind moving and ready for the day.
Aspen Room

8:30              Call to Order Dana Ard, President, invocation, pledge,
welcome Central Idaho Chapter, Mai Nguyen, President

8:45              Why I am a proud Member of the National Federation of the
Blind, Garren Aubrey, President, NFBI Portneuf Chapter.

9:00              State Report: Dana Ard, Affiliate President

9:25              The Legislative Process, Rep. Christy Zito District 23
agricultural affairs; judiciary, rules and administration; state affairs. 

9:45              Q and A

9:50              AIRA, Another tool in the toolbox, T.J. Squires.

10:10            Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Beth
Cunningham, Administrator; Greg Metsker, Director, Assessment and Training

10:40            Q and A

10:45            Talking Book Library Update, Sue Walker. Library Consultant

11:05            Working Effectively with the State Appropriations
Committee, Dos and Don'ts Rep. Maxine Bell, District 25, State
Appropriations, Chair 

11:25            Resolution

11:30            Student Track: Meet the Legislator
Aspen Room

11:30            Medicare Changes you need to Know about Taenia Hudson,
Senior Services Specialist/Insurance Coordinator at CSI Office on Aging

11:50            Resolutions and Reports

12:00            Student Track:  Student Division Discussion Aspen Room

12:00            Blindness products and Services Expo, Atrium and Hallway  

1:00              The new Victor Trek combining the features of the Victor
Stream and the Trekker Breeze, Karl Smith
Cedar Room

1:30              Smart Vision accessible cell phone, Karl Smith. This phone
will not work with Verizon or Sprint.
Cedar Room

2:00              Discussion and formation of a National Federation of the
Blind of Idaho Community Service Division, Erin Olsen, facilitator Juniper

3:30              Strengthening the Idaho Gems Chapter at large, Discussion
with Joe Ruffalo, National Representative
Cedar Room

3:30              Improving Education for Blind Children Through Legislation
and Advocacy Discussion.
Willow Room

4:00              Quick Fit Walk: Join students for a walk in the hotel

5:30              Parents Discussion Group, Ramona Walhof and Becky Sherman
Willow Room

5:30              National Federation of the Blind of Idaho affiliate board
meeting. This is open to all. (Meal ticket needs to have been purchased in
order to have a meal) .
Oak Room

7:30              Evening activity; Viewing and discussion of the
documentary "Do You Dream in Color?" This documentary presents 4 blind teens
as they encounter challenges and victories in their education and personal
lives as they move toward adulthood. The documentary will be of value to
parents, children, teens and adults who care about education and
opportunities for blind children now and in the future. Joe Thompson and a
student panel will lead the discussion afterward.

9:00              Informal open mic and jam session. Come and play music or


Saturday, April 28, 2018

General Session Cedar/Juniper Room


7:45-8:15      Registration Convention Center Hallway

8:00-8:30      Quick Fit: Join our students in a fitness activity to get
your body and brain ready for an exciting day.
Aspen Room

8:30              Call to order, opening ceremonies and announcements 

8:40              National Report, Joe Ruffalo, National Representative

9:20              Students in Transition, Alison Steven, Project Coordinator
for Student Transition Services

9:40              My Transition Experience, student panel, Alana Leonhardy,
Emma Kisner, Tyler Zumwalt

10:10            We're Blind Parents Raising our Children, Laine Amoureux,
Sylvia Bernert

10:30            Student Track: Technology scavenger hunt              Aspen

10:30            Working with the Senate Health and Welfare Committee to
achieve results: Senator Lee Heider, District 24 Chair Senate Health and
Welfare Committee: resources and Environment

10:50            Birding by Ear; Al Schneider

11:10            Our struggles and triumphs to Obtain Quality Education for
Our Blind Children: Pari Edgar, Teri Hill, Lizzie Lawson

11:15            Student Track:  Looking Good, Feeling Good          Aspen

11:40            We use NFB Newsline and we Want to Spread the Word: General

12:00            Student Track:  Interpersonal Communication and

Aspen Room

12:15            Senior Division Business Meeting
Cedar/Juniper Room 

12:15            Family Recreation and Discovery Workshop planning session:
parents of blind children and NFB members interested in planning this event
are welcome 

Willow Room

1:30              Quick Fit: Join our students in an energizing fitness

Aspen Room

2:00              Something Up My Sleeve; Joe Ruffalo, NFB National

3:00              IESDB Report, Gretchen Spooner, Director of Education 

3:30              Affiliate business meeting including: minutes of 2017
business meeting, treasurer's summary report, nominating committee report
and elections. Election of delegate and alternate delegate to National
Convention, reports, resolutions and new business.  

4:30              My Journey from Vietnam to Teaching Blind Children in
America; Mai Nguyen, President, Central Idaho chapter

4:50              Resolutions and Reports, convention feedback

5:00              Afternoon adjournment 



Saturday Evening

6:30 Banquet, Oak Room


Invocation:  Greg Edgar, Central Idaho Chapter


Master of Ceremonies:  Mike Gibson, President of the Canyon County Chapter


Banquet Address:  Joe Ruffalo, National Federation of the Blind


Auction and door prizes will occur throughout the banquet.


Scholarship Class:  Mike Gibson, Russell Smith, Co-Chair


Funding Our Movement through Preauthorized Contribution Plan PAC Jan Gawith


Braille-a-Thon Awards



NFB Pledge


I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation and to abide by its



One-minute message


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can have the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.



Convention Planning Committee:  Sandy Streeter, chair, Susan Bradley, Joe
Thompson, Alison Steven, Leslie Mora, Mike Gibson, Russell Smith, Frank
Skogsberg and Mai Nguyen

Auction Committee:  Ramona Walhof, Chair, Jud Cottrell, Sandy Streeter, Joe
Thompson, Vel Slotten, Harry and Jan Gawith, Vickie and Larry Bateman, Becky

Hospitality Committee:  Sue Brooks, Chair, Pari Edgar, Mai Nguyen, Lynn
Kneip, Colleen McFadden

Fundraising Committee:  Ramona Walhof Chair, Vickie Bateman, Sandy Streeter,
Justin Bonner, Jud Cottrell, and Erin Olsen

Door Prize Committee:  Leslie Mora, Elsie Dickerson

Resolutions Committee:  Vickie Bateman, Chair, Ramona Walhof, Wanda Jolley,
Garren Aubrey

Nominating Committee:  Joe Thompson Chair, Jan Gawith, Frank Skogsberg

Hotel Matters:  Larry Sebranek, Sue Sebranek

Scholarship Committee:  Mike Gibson, Russell Smith, co-Chairs, Sandy
Streeter, Susan Ford, and Earl Hoover

Sound System and Streaming:  David Jolley, Kevin Pirnie, and Larry Bateman

Communications Committee:  Kevin Pirnie, Chair Joe Thompson, Erin Olsen, TJ
Squires, Frank Skogsberg, Tyler Zumwalt, Al Schneider, Sean Malone, Colleen
McFadden, Harry Gawith.

The National Federation of the Blind of Idaho wishes to thank its members
and the staff of the Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
for planning and coordinating the student track.


Our Sponsors

Treasure Valley Chapter, Cycle for Independence

Mountain View Hospital $1,000

INL Battelle Alliance donated $500 for the BELL program

Rocky Mountain Artificial Limb & Brace Inc. $100

Searle, Hart Associates, PLLC $100

HK Contractors 

Melaleuca Inc.

University of Idaho, Kathy Griffin, $320



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