[NFB-Idaho] Time to sign up for Braille-a-thon

Susan Ford johnsusanford at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 26 18:49:19 UTC 2018



It is time to sign up if you plan to participate in the Braille-a-thon. This
is especially for adults because we are not included in the activity for
children started by the Illinois affiliate. Here is what we need from you. 

1.	  Full name: 
2.	2.   Address: 
3.	3.   Phone where you would wish to be reached. 
4.	4.   Email: 
5.	5.  Are you a beginning reader, intermediate reader, or advanced
6.	  Other such as student or just now learning braille. 

Please complete this information and send it to me by email or in braille.
You can call me with the information if you have no email. 


We begin reading on January and end at midnight on March 3. The deadline for
submitting a reading log is March 8. 

Others on the committee are: Alison Steven, Emilia Lane, Becky Sherman, and
Mai Nuyen. 


The purpose of the activity is to have fun and to READ!  Remember, prizes
will be awarded at the state convention. 


Susan Ford 


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