[NFB-Idaho] FW: [Nfbnet-members-list] Blind and low vision participants needed for museum experience research study

president at nfbidaho.org president at nfbidaho.org
Mon Jul 30 14:24:16 UTC 2018

I have taken this survey. Don Winiecki is one of our Treasure Valley Chapter
members and I know he would appreciate us taking the time to do this survey.
I did have some problems using my Window-eyes screen reader, but Don
actually came over to my home and helped me. I am considering having some
type of topic for our next state convention on building accessibility into
museums in Idaho. I hope you will take the survey. 

Dana Ard, President
National Federation of the Blind of Idaho
Main: 208-345-3906
Cell: 208-859-2828 (call only)
Email: president at NFBIdaho.org
Website: www.nfbidaho.org
"The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
Blindness is not what holds you back."  

-----Original Message-----
From: NFBNet-Members-List [mailto:nfbnet-members-list-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Blake, Lou Ann via NFBNet-Members-List
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018 8:30 PM
To: nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Nfbnet-members-list] Blind and low vision participants needed for
museum experience research study

The below research participant solicitation is being provided for
informational purposes only. The National Federation of the Blind has no
involvement in this research, but we believe that it may contribute to our
research mission.

Museum Experience Survey

Cheryl Fogle-Hatch, Ph.D. (an independent archaeologist and museum
professional) and Don Winiecki, Ed.D., Ph.D. (a professor at Boise State
University) are conducting survey research to identify experiences of blind
and visually-impaired individuals at museums.

If you choose to complete the survey it will take you about 15 to 20
minutes. More information about the survey and the research is included

Survey URL: 


The survey is intended for individuals who are (a) 18-years old or 
older, (b) blind or visually-impaired, and (c) who have visited one 
or more museums in the past.

Possible Benefits

Results of this research will be reported at academic and 
professional conferences and in journal publications. Findings and 
conclusions of the research will enable the researchers to provide 
information and advice that can improve the experience of blind and 
visually-impaired persons in museums.

Risks and Discomforts

This study involves no foreseeable serious risks. We ask that you try 
to answer all questions; however, if there are any items that make 
you uncomfortable or that you would prefer to skip, please leave the 
answer blank.

Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality

The survey is designed so that your responses are anonymous. However, 
for this research project, the researchers are requesting demographic 
information. Due to the make-up of the population of blind and 
visually-impaired persons in certain areas, the combined answers to 
these questions may make a person identifiable. The researchers will 
make every effort to protect your confidentiality. However, if you 
are uncomfortable answering any of these questions, you should skip them.

Choosing to Be in the Study

You do not have to be in this study. Participation is voluntary. You 
may choose not to take part and you may choose to stop taking part at 
any time without penalty.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this study or if any 
problems arise, please contact the researchers at the following points:

Cheryl Fogle-Hatch, Ph.D.
Archaeologist and Museum Professional
Email: <mailto:c.k.fogle at gmail.com>c.k.fogle at gmail.com
Telephone: 4439398217

Don Winiecki, Ed.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Ethics & Morality in Professional Practice
Boise State University, College of Engineering
Email: <mailto:dwiniecki at boisestate.edu>dwiniecki at boisestate.edu
Telephone: 2084261899

If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, 
you may contact the Boise State University Institutional Review Board 
(IRB), which is concerned with the protection of volunteers in 
research projects. You may reach the board office between 8:00 AM and 
5:00 PM (Mountain time), Monday through Friday, by calling (208) 
426-5401 or by writing: Institutional Review Board, Office of 
Research Compliance, Boise State University, 1910 University Dr., 
Boise, ID 83725-1138.

If you would like a copy of this form for your reference, you may 
print this out.

Lou Ann Blake, J.D.
Deputy Executive Director, Jernigan Institute
200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314, extension 2221| <mailto:lblake at nfb.org>lblake at nfb.org

National Federation of the Blind


The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and 
friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. 
Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.

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