[NFB-Idaho] Attention

Sean Malone shaldarr01 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 23:27:56 UTC 2019


First it was an A-10 fighter jet!  Then it was a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter!  Climbing on Stuff adventures continues in 2019 with the addition of another event!

Registration is now open for our latest Climbing on Stuff event.  On Saturday, May 4th, Courageous Kids Climbing will be taking ten legally-blind school-age children to visit with the Great Basin Smokejumpers at the Boise Airport.  The event will start at 10:00 am and last until noon.  PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!  During the visit, the kids will get to meet and talk with smokejumpers as well as look (with their hands) at their firefighting gear to include their parachutes and jump suits.  If available, the kids will also get to look at their jump aircraft.  Contact Jeff at jeffriechmann at cs.com to receive a registration packet.  Packets must be returned no later than April 15 to reserve a spot.

Please help us spread the word about this very special opportunity!

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