[NFB-Idaho] Fwd: board meeting agenda
Susan Bradley
craftisue at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 8 17:11:46 UTC 2021
It was brought to my attention that the email did not give the date. The Board meeting is tomorrow October 9th at 9 SM MDT.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Susan Bradley <craftisue at hotmail.com>
Date: October 8, 2021 at 10:49:23 AM MDT
To: President NFBIDAHO <pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com>, streeter.sandy at gmail.com, "Erin A. Olsen" <eolsen at pckeys.com>, treasurer at nfbidaho.org
Cc: skogsbergf at gmail.com, Alison Steven <pecans65 at gmail.com>, vickiebateman35 at gmail.com, meganfereday91 at gmail.com, nataliemorg at gmail.com, garrenaubrey at hotmail.com, NFB-ID listserve <nfb-idaho at nfbnet.org>
Subject: board meeting agenda
Dana Ard, President requested that I send out the Agenda for the Board Meeting and put it on the Idaho List. Everyone is welcome and the Zoom link is at the bottom. The meeting will start promptly at 9:00 AM Mountain Time.
Susan Bradley, Secretary
National Federation of the Blind of Idaho
From: President NFBIDAHO <pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 7, 2021 3:40 AM
To: streeter.sandy at gmail.com <streeter.sandy at gmail.com>; 'Erin A. Olsen' <eolsen at pckeys.com>; treasurer at nfbidaho.org <treasurer at nfbidaho.org>; 'craftisue' <craftisue at hotmail.com>
Cc: skogsbergf at gmail.com <skogsbergf at gmail.com>; 'Alison Steven' <pecans65 at gmail.com>; vickiebateman35 at gmail.com <vickiebateman35 at gmail.com>; meganfereday91 at gmail.com <meganfereday91 at gmail.com>; nataliemorg at gmail.com <nataliemorg at gmail.com>; garrenaubrey at hotmail.com <garrenaubrey at hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: board meeting agenda
Fall 2021 Board Meeting Draft Agenda.
Call to order, Roll call, and introduction of Guests
II. Invocation
III. Approval of minutes
Iv. Treasurer’s report
V. report on NFB Idaho Store (Erin Olsen)
VI. State convention: Holiday Inn, Idaho Falls April 21-232022. What circumstances would necessitate a return to a virtual convention? What safety measures should be required? Concerns regarding a hybrid convention.
VII. State scholarships: Edelstein support, number of scholarships to be given, follow-up with 2021 scholarship winners. Appointment of scholarship committee.
VIII. Funding for in-person Washington Seminar
IX. Discussion of Legislation Committee.
X. Discussion of communications committee
To optimize our message in all available media including webpage, newsline, social media etc.
XI. You-Tube Videos for Blind Equality and Opportunity Month. Current videos and plans for the Future.
XII. Authorization for funding for future videos.
XIII. Use of outreach cards
XIV. Development of affiliate budget.
XV. Fund raising seminar report Dana Ard and Sandy Streeter
XVI Voting Privately and Independently, report from Democracy Live
XVII. Insurance
XVIII. Should the board have a list of all NFB Idaho members including contact information and member interests?
XIX. Red Box kiosks testing
XX. Meeting feedback
XXI. Adjournment
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