[NFB-Idaho] NFB ID Resolutions Deadline and Resolutions Process
Erin A. Olsen
eolsen at pckeys.com
Sat Apr 9 14:37:32 UTC 2022
2022 NFB Idaho State Convention Resolution Process and Submission Instructions
2022 State Resolution Committee Members:Erin Olsen, Chair, Quincy Mattick, Wanda Jolley
Submission due date: Saturday, April 16, 2022 by 6:00 PM MDT/5 PM PST
Submit via e-mail to: eolsen at pckeys.com<mailto:eolsen at pckeys.com>
* Resolutions should be written and formatted according to standards
* Submit as a document (Word, Google doc etc. but NOT as a PDF
* Please ask your chapter president if you need assistance
What are NFB Idaho Resolutions?
Resolutions are a formal way of stating intended action or position on an issue by a group of people. In this case, the NFB of Idaho. It is a formal document, in writing, that is presented to some subset of the larger group who has been given authority to receive and consider it. For us, this is the Resolutions Committee that meets during our state convention.
The resolutions Committee receives proposed resolutions from members prior to the convention, in writing and following the standard language and format (see below). If the resolution addresses an issue that is appropriate and relevant for the state affiliate, the resolution is presented by the committee during the committee session at state convention. The Resolution Committee date and time will always be identified in the convention agenda. It is an open meeting and members are encouraged to attend.
The committee reads the resolution as it was submitted. They then discuss the relevance, language, and proposed action or position the resolution states. Comments by the larger body (NFB Idaho membership) may also occur. Modifications may be made. The committee votes to accept or reject the resolution (as submitted or as revised). Acceptance means it will be presented for a vote by the greater NFB Idaho members during the state convention general session.
Resolutions that are adopted by majority vote during general session become part of the affiliate's permanent records and represent our official stance on an issue or action we will take.
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