[NFB-Idaho] State President's Monthly update February 2022

President NFBIDAHO pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Mon Jan 31 21:28:44 UTC 2022

State President's Monthly Update, February 2022

Dana Ard, NFB state President

Email: pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com Phone: 208-345-3906

February is one of the busiest and most exciting months of the year for
those of us in the National Federation of the Blind.  We will get all of the
latest news on the Washington Seminar and other topics on our live
presidential release,  February 1 at 6:00 PM MST and 5:00 PM PST. I urge
everyone to attend this meeting to be informed. I will paste the zoom link
at the bottom of this newsletter. 


Our Washington Seminar is just around the corner, February 7-10. This event
is now virtual for all states due to the severity of the virus. Our kick-off
celebration, "The Great Gathering In" will be held on February 7 from
3:00-5:00 MST 2:00-4:00 PM PST. We will get up-to-date information on our
legislation, hear other exciting announcements from our national president,
and enjoy dynamic and inspirational presentations from members of congress
and other speakers. As stated in the previous president's update , our
legislative issues are The Access Technology Affordability act
(H.R.431/S212) which provides a refundable tax credit in the amount of $2000
over a 3 year period, for blind people who purchase access technology;
Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R. 4853) which requires all
class 2 and 3 medical devices with a digital interface to be nonvisually
accessible; Twenty-First Century Websites and Applications Accessibility act
which would direct the Access Board to create accessibility guidelines for
websites and applications; Transformation to Competitive Integrated
Employment Act (H.R.2373/S.3238) which would discontinue the issuance of
subminimum 14C special wage certificates.  If you missed the January
trainings on these issues, you can attend a national  training on February 7
at 12:00 PM MST, 11:00 A.M. PST. Federationists will meet with our senators
and representatives by zoom or conference call on February 8/9. We will have
assigned members to speak on each issue, but we need members to join these
meetings to give support, answer questions, and let our congressmen know
that we want them to sponsor and support our legislation.   Please contact
me for further information on how to get involved. A national daily wrap-up
to  chart our progress will be held from 4:00-5:00 MST. On February 8-10. I
will send out the link for these national activities when it becomes
available.  Our presentations are just the beginning of our efforts, and we
will continue to contact our congressional members about our bills as the
legislation progresses. 


At this time, we still plan to hold an in-person convention at the Holiday
Inn in Idaho Falls, April 21-23. Room rates are $109.00. We will continue to
watch the situation with the virus, and the hotel representative has told me
that we could move the date if needed for health and safety reasons. In
addition to exhibits, and presentations from The Idaho Commission for the
Blind, and our Talking book Program, we will have presentations from adults
who have learned or are learning braille, state and national sports
programs, a company that adapts board games for the blind , a mock
Washington seminar, and much more. We are looking forward to an in-person
convention to motivate and inspire us.

Our state  scholarship application is now out and on our website
www.nfbidaho.org. Deadline for applications is March 15. Please spread the


I have been asked by our Talking Book Services library committee, of which I
am a member, to do an in depth presentation on our NFB Newsline. I need to
hear from people who use this service, particularly from those who access it
in other ways than a landline phone, such as by computer, Victor Stream or
other. The Idaho Commission for Libraries wants to promote this valuable
service, but they need our help. My contact information is at the beginning
of this update. 


If you are a person who has lost sight as an adult, you may be interested in
a new discussion group that meets the first Monday of the month at 8:00 PM
MST, 7:00 PM PST, on Zoom. The group had its first meeting in January. It
was well attended, with much beneficial discussion. I will send the meeting
link later this week. Contact me for further details. 

After a 2 year hiatus, the Treasure Valley chapter's premier fundraiser and
community building activity, the Cycle for Independence,  will be held
Saturday, May 21 at River Glen Junior High. We will need lots of volunteer
help, since we have not held this event for 2 years. Al Schneider, event
coordinator, will let us know of specific needs. Be prepared to participate
in this event either as a volunteer or a rider.  


The NFB national convention will be July 5-10 at the New Orleans Marriot.
Room rates for singles and doubles are $109.00 per night plus taxes. For
more information, read the article in the January Braille Monitor available
on NFB Newsline. 


I look forward to your participation in our upcoming events as we build and
strengthen the National Federation of the Blind of Idaho. 

Link for presidential release. 

Join via Zoom

Zoom via web: https://zoom.us/j/94257543133
Zoom One Tap Mobile: +13017158592,,94257543133#
Zoom via phone: +1 301 715 8592
Zoom Meeting ID: 942 5754 3133

More Ways to Access

Closed Captions via 1CapApp
Shoutcast Stream <https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=24399&qid=6765668> 
YouTube Stream <https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=24400&qid=6765668> 
Access our live stream by asking your Amazon device to play "Nation's Blind"

Save the Date: Future Presidential Releases

Mark your calendars! Below are dates for presidential releases that will be
live events held at 8:00 p.m. eastern unless otherwise indicated. Closed
captions and Spanish will be available.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022





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