[NFB-Idaho] Our Annual State Convention

pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Sat Nov 25 22:55:59 UTC 2023

Each year, our Idaho affiliate holds our state convention, which is mandated
by our state constitution. As state president, I work with a convention
committee to plan this event. My goal is to have presentations that provide
education, information, and inspiration. We always have a theme, and this
year, (spoiler alert) our theme is "Living Ambitiously. "We have some
exciting, informative speakers in the works, but this is the affiliate
convention, and I always welcome suggestions for topics from any member,
even if you are not on the committee. In addition to our speakers, and our
national representative, the convention gives Federationists from around the
state the opportunity to share with one another, renew old friendships, and
make new ones. It's also a great time to invite individuals who are new to
vision loss to join us to learn about our positive philosophy. The state
convention costs money. Often both the banquet and the board dinner are
provided at a reduced rate for members, with the affiliate picking up the
difference. The affiliate pays for the conference rooms and any other space
that we utilize. We cover the room costs for our national representative,
our scholarship winners, any other speaker that we invite from out of our
area, and sometimes for members who couldn't attend the convention without
financial assistance. We have been fortunate to be able to hold a two- and
one-half day convention, and I hope this can continue. Some of the funds we
raise tomorrow evening will go to making our 2024 convention in Burley a
memorable event. Please come and enjoy our fundraising seminar, "Invest in
Our Future." You will see some excellent you-tube videos, hear inspiring
speakers, and invest in our future, to ensure that we can remain strong now
and, in the years to come. The event will be on zoom (link is below) 7:30 PM
MST, 6:30 PST. 



Meeting ID: 207 741 5267


Passcode: 1234554


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