[Nfb-krafters-korner] Summer Fun with Kids

Henrietta Brewer gary.brewer at comcast.net
Wed Jul 21 16:34:51 UTC 2010

Good Morning,
It is a beautiful day here.  We have already been out about town and 
enjoyed it. Now it is time to entertain the kids.  Today I have a 
party idea for you as well as a fun activity that my Mom did with us 
when it was hot outside and the house was all clean.  Also my 
favorite puzzle making ideas

Christmas in July

Now I know that you hear all the Christmas in July sales and they 
probably drive you nuts. But instead of getting upset about them, use 
them for good.

Get out a string of lights and a few of your decorations
Have the children make some wrapping paper
The puzzles in this newsletter could be  a great gift an
the children can plan a meal to celebrate

It might be fun to do this party in the yard. String the lights on a 
bush or use an artificial tree. Children can make decorations from 
paper or clay or use some of the family decorations.

Making place mats and greeting cards can keep the children busy 
planning this celebration. The important thing is that they have lots 
of control of the event. Planning will be fun for them as well as 
good training.

The older children can make a list of the plans they 
create.  Checking each thing off as it is completed.  This will 
probably be a memory they carry with them to adulthood.

My favorite wrapping paper is made by using a piece of tin foil on a 
warm cookie sheet or those old fashioned warming trays that plug 
in.  By drawing with crayon a beautiful painted look can be achieved.

Singing and playing games can round out the celebration.

This project can take several days to prepare and will give school 
aged kids something to write about on that first day of school when 
everyone has to write "What I did this Summer".

Trash Can Basketball

Carol's and my parents had us in the time when blind people were 
watched carefully when they had children.  It was not unusual for 
Social Services to show up checking our home.  Any neighbor or store 
clerk could voice a concern and someone would check on us.

This put my Parents in the do just a bit better then the next guy 
Mode.  My Mom kept a spotless home and when we went out ona bus or a 
walk Carol and I were in perfectly starched and ironed dresses.

My Mom devised this game for hot afternoons when she had the housework done.

You will need:

a small trash can
a stack of newspaer

Have children sit on the floor and make balls by scrunching up 
newspaper. My Mom counted the pieces so she was sure they were all 
picked u pat the end.

Put the trash can at one end of the room and have children throw the 
paper to make baskets.

When all the paper was thrown, she dumped the can of paper and moved 
it to the other end of th room. The game began again.

At the end of play she would often give us a broom and dust pan to 
sweep up the paper.  I know this sounds quite simple but I actually 
remember enjoying it myself.  I have pulled this idea out of my hat 
often for my kids  and for my daycare.

Thanks Mom

Making paper puzzles

What you need:

A picture children enjoy
   Cereal box fronts was always a favorite around my house
clear contact paper or laminating paper

Simply cover the picture with the clear covering and cut into 
pieces.  Start with large pieces and as children are successful make 
more        puzzle pieces from the picture.

It is fun to use a photo from a fun event or a magizine picture. 
Glueing the picture to card stock will make it last loner but even 
paper puzzles will work for a while.  If you are afraid you can't 
help put the puzzle together, just label the backs with braille or 
another tactle method.  Nothing wrong with a bit of cheating to get 
the job done.

Popcycle stick puzzles

This is a favorite of mine.  You can carry this puzzle in your purse 
and pull it out wherever you might be.


popcycle sticks or tongue depressers
   You willneed enough to make a square when lined up side by side
masking tape

Simply line up the sticks to make a square. Run tape across the top 
and bottom. Turn the square over and draw a picture on the square.

Remove the tape and scramble the sticks.  You are ready to put the 
puzzle together.

Well, hope these activities bring you and your little ones closer.

Remember to save that newspaper and those brown grocery bags for August's  fun.

~I wish you enough~

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