[Nfb-krafters-korner] crocheted three teer rose pattern

Cathy flowersandherbs at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 00:27:57 UTC 2013

hi Henry and all,

the three layer rose pattern will be the subject of our Monday night chat on Monday April 8 and 9 P.M. eastern time.

I just made one of these flowers to test out the pattern and know that you all will love it. it has nice texture and detail, with six petals on each of three layers for a total of eighteen petals. the pattern is easy, and though we will likely not finish the project in one hour, you will get the hang of what you need to do, and of course I will post the pattern to the list.

my suggestion however is that you come to the chat so that you can understand some of the somewhat tricky details that I learned while trying out this pattern.

bring along some worsted weight yarn and a G H or I crochet hook and be ready to enjoy yourself.

hope to see you at the chat.

by the way, Terry K has already posted a crocheted flower pattern to the list, and this pattern is different than the one I will be sharing at the chat, just to keep down on confusion.


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