[Nfb-krafters-korner] Looking for help

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Sun Dec 8 20:36:46 UTC 2013

I just had to jump on this answer to one of the survey questions.   Below 
you will find the question and the comment.
8. How do you think the Krafters Korner can get new members to  participate
and join?

I think that we need to publicize this devision.  From my perspective, the
most well known devisions in the NFB have gained  this status because of
publications and other activities that they have done.  For example, the
parents devision has the future reflections magazine, and  the student
devision has the Student Slate. We could also get recognition  from doing
more activities at convention. I always see emails around  convention time

Do we have folks on our list that are in these divisions?  parents  
devision has the future reflections magazine, and the studen devision has the  
Student Slate
Will someone write an article to be put into these publications?  It  needs 
to be from you.  These type of publications are always looking for  
articles and why not talk about NFB Krafters Division and what we have to  offer.  
If we could grow and have more parents looking for projects to do with  
children that would open a wide door of more members.  If we could grow and  
add more students and have them join in  what type of projects they are  
interested in or want to learn, then it will grow.
Do we have anyone out there from ACB that might be willing to write an  
article about AKrafters Korner?  
Is there any lists, schools for the blind, guide dog schools that might  
have news letters or something that goes out to a larger group that an 
article,  a mention like: Made cool candy came earrings via an email class over at  
Krafters Korner and please put our website in the article so folks can find 
out  more?
It does not have to be a big thing, just enough to spark an interest.
Joyce  Kane
_www.KraftersKorner.org_ (http://www.krafterskorner.org/) 
Blindhands at AOL.com 

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