[Nfb-krafters-korner] FW: Eclipse in just a few days. Don’t miss this Hadley/NASA webinar

Powers, Terry (NIH/NCI) [E] terry.powers at nih.gov
Fri Aug 18 11:18:02 UTC 2017

Here is another option!

From: Powers, Terry (NIH/NCI) [E]
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 2:00 PM
To: 'Stan Berman' <sb2001 at verizon.net>
Subject: FW: Eclipse in just a few days. Don’t miss this Hadley/NASA webinar

Sign up and get the seminar about the eclipse.
I just listened to it and it is great!
I know, Ken Silverman, who is presenting in the seminar!
He used to be in my NFB chapter.


From: Julie S. Tye from Hadley Institute [mailto:Jtye at hadley.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 11:31 AM
To: Powers, Terry (NIH/NCI) [E] <terry.powers at nih.gov<mailto:terry.powers at nih.gov>>
Subject: Eclipse in just a few days. Don’t miss this Hadley/NASA webinar



This photo shows the sequence of views of an eclipse, reading from left to right and top to bottom. (Reuters, 2016)

Have you heard that the US is about to witness a total eclipse of the sun?

Solar eclipses, when sunlight reaching earth is blocked by the moon, occur somewhere on earth about once every 18 months. But the last time a total eclipse was visible from coast to coast in the U.S. was nearly 100 years ago!

To help you better understand and more fully appreciate the August 21 total eclipse, Hadley teamed up with NASA scientists to bring expert insights right to you.


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This message was sent to terry.powers at nih.gov<mailto:terry.powers at nih.gov> from Jtye at hadley.edu<mailto:Jtye at hadley.edu>

Julie S. Tye from Hadley Institute
Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired
700 Elm Street
Winnetka, IL 60093

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