[NFB-Krafters-Korner] [NFB KraftersKorner] Judy, upcoming classes

Cathy Flesher flowersandherbs at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 01:48:50 UTC 2018

Hi Judy,

What you are describing is a spool loom. You can create a long cord called
an I-cord with it and make rugs as you described as well as other items.

However, the looms we use for most of our projects are larger and either
round or rectangular and have pegs instead of nails sticking up. You knit in
the same way as you do with a spool loom. Wrap the peg twice, then knit
bottom loop over top. You can find looms of hard plastic in stores like
Hobbie Lobbie, Joann's and Michaels which are round and come four in a
package. They are also sold on Amazon. 

What I am using for the scarf is a round loom With 24 pegs. I am using a
bulky weight Homespun yarn in fall multi-colors. This tube scarf is a
wonderful beginner project. When you join and purchase a round loom set, I
or others will be happy to get you started. Just give us a holler. 

Make this a wonderful day!
Cathy F

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