[Nfb-krafters-korner] ATTENTION LIST MEMBERS

Terry tknox6 at sc.rr.com
Thu Jan 18 22:45:28 UTC 2018

I have to agree with Cindy and her post about all the new and upcoming
classes coming soon. I want to continue to get the news out there for all
the new people that recently joined our list serve and others we have not
heard from lately. Now is the time, Do not delay, go to
www.krafterskorner.org and go to Membership and joint our division or you
will miss all these classes and not certain when they will be repeated. It
is the winter season and everyone is in and the cold is here. You will never
receive a better bargain, ALL of the classes you may take until June 30 for
$20 membership fee. Please pay attention as I list them all to the list
serve and I know I will miss a few but please do take a look and if you have
any questions, post them to the list.


Kisses for Valentines, Knitted Dish clothes the first of each by Dixie, Love
the Birds, Spinning Chat, Lucky Irish Hat and Shamrock, No So Barbie
clothes, Duct Tape class, Mittens, Mittens, Mary Jane slippers for the
little ones and I know there are more not announced yet. Get crafting for
the winter do not forget our chats are open to everyone but only one free
try it class and you will miss all the others. No better time, jump in you
will not get all of this on the list or anywhere, become a member.


Terry Knox

Membership Chairperson

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