[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Pop Up Class

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Fri Nov 30 01:53:42 UTC 2018

For all of you who signed up for my essential oil air freshner, I will be
doing this class on Thursday December 6  at 8 PM Eastern.

Call in number 605 475 4000  code # 966659#

I will discuss some essential oil combinations for this time of year.


4 ounce canning jars work great, juice  glasses or not too large of a cup or
jar.  Walmart sells the 4 ounce jelly jars with the tops and lids dozen for
$8.  You will need one ounce of each Cinnamon bark and orange essential
oils.  Scissors eye dropper or a plastic pipped
 Cinnamon stick,, ribbons for decorations and voile to use for the top of
the jars.  The canning lids work great as it seals the jar and just unscrew
the top and leave the lid off and put the top back on with the voile.  You
can get the Voile in rolls between 6 & 10". High.

Here is a link to 
You can purchase a kit if you want, that will make 6 jars.  I do think the
price of this kit is high as going back they use to charge $9.95.  I did
purchase a large amount of the crystals and offered them to everyone for $1,
enough to make 2 jars along with a selfaddressed & stamped envelope, but no
one took my offer. 

You don't have to sign up, just show up.


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