[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Animal patterns

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Fri Nov 30 14:09:49 UTC 2018

BlindMice has lots of books with animal patterns for needle knitting and
crochet.  Most of the knitted patterns are dishcloths, but I have
incorporated some into sweaters.

Henry, I know I got a pattern for a reindeer, and I see one for a coyote,
which is like a wolf.  There are also teddy bears.

I haven't seen any for a lab, which I would love.  I keep trying to figure
out how to create my own lab pattern, even a lab in harness, but I haven't
worked it out yet.  I can draw a lab, but I'm not sure how to translate that
to knitting.



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