[NFB-Krafters-Korner] upcoming class, Applesauce And Cinnamon Scented Ornaments

krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com
Sun Jul 31 20:00:30 UTC 2022

Class name, Applesauce and Cinnamon Scented Ornaments


Craft type, miscellaneous

Instructor,  <mailto:mkindrick at sbcglobal.net> Mary Kindrick

Class format, phone

Class date, Tuesday, August 30

Class time, 7:30 p.m. Eastern

Sign up deadline, August 23


Class description: 

Add some spice too your life with these ornaments.  My daughters and their
Girl Scout friends started making these over 40 years ago.  Now, my
grandchildren want to make them every Christmas.  They make deliciously
scented tree ornaments, wall hangings and great gifts.

Skills needed: 


Supply list:

*         ¾ cup good quality applesauce, a thick variety is best

*         1 cup ground cinnamon

*         Or,  use other spices such as allspice, ground nutmeg, ground
cloves, etc., enough to equal one cup.

*         Fun shaped cookie cutters or molds

*         Medium mixing bowl

*         spoon

*         Rolling pin

*           Cookie sheet

*         Waxed or parchment paper

*         Narrow straw, toothpick  or skewer for making holes Ribbon or yarn
for hanging Oven for baking, optional


Sign up here!           <https://www.krafterskorner.org/students> 


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