[NFB-Krafters-Korner] stats after 9 months

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Sat Apr 1 14:23:21 UTC 2023

Please read this email to the bottom, because there is a lot of information
included. Caring And Sharing is an ongoing project that Crafters Corner has
started. Every last Monday of the month we will be discussing a different
charity, so that we can learn more about it and the type of donations they
take.  There are four ways of participating in this project. 

One you can give to a charity of your choice and let us know what items you
have donated so they can be included in the charity group count. 

Two you can come to the Monday night chat and make craft items for that
charity and donate to them or the charity of your choice. 

Thirdly you can join the caring and sharing class and be part of their email
list and Saturday classes


Lastly if you're not a crafter but volunteer your time helping out charities
you can also report your hours.

So if you're a member of Crafters  Corner and like to give back write and
let me know what the craft items you have donated and how many of that item,
how many items you have bought and who you gave them to and we would also
like to know how many hours of your time you donate to working for a charity
and which one it is. We won't be keeping track of how much each person
donates just the amount of items.

When reporting here is an example

Miscellaneous (purchased items)

5 combs

5 boxes of crayons

5 articles of gentle used clothing

To Wellness Woman's Shelter

4 hours volunteer time

At local food bank

Hand crafted items

3 hats

6 soap sacks

10 dishcloths/washcloths

All given to Operation Christmas Child


There are two ways to report your donations. One if your part of the caring
and sharing email list you can send your donation numbers there, or if you
don't want people to know what you're giving you can write me at
shelleyschuett at telus.net <mailto:shelleyschuett at telus.net> 

You may also send a picture of your crafted items that can be shared with
others to let them know what sorts of projects we have been working on.

The charities we focus on are important and have various groups or chapters
spread out across the country, but so are your local ones, so we encourage
you to donate locally, so that you don't have to pay the high cost of

Now it's time to report the exciting news that you have all been waiting
for. In the last 9 months there has been donations or volunteer time given
to 56 different charities and groups. There has been 1477 hand crafted items
donated, 1829 miscellaneous items donated, 655 volunteer hours reported and
a monetary cash donation of $645. 

On behalf of Crafters Corner I'd like to personally thank you for helping
make this world a better place by caring and sharing.




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