[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Trivia Tuesday

jellybeanfarm at gmail.com jellybeanfarm at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 22:07:37 UTC 2023

Hello and welcome to Trivia Tuesday.


This week's questions will be about Christmas.


1.	On average how many Americans put up Christmas trees?

a.	65 percent
b.	70 percent
c.	79 percent
d.	83 percent

2.	How much money does the average person spend on Christmas gifts in
the U.S.?

a.	Between 5 and 6 hundred dollars
b.	Between 6 and 7 hundred dollars
c.	Between 7 and 8 hundred dollars
d.	Between 8 and 9 hundred dollars 

3.	What percentage of Americans received  hand made gifts last year?

a.	20 percent
b.	25 percent
c.	27 percent
d.	30 percent

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