[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Loom knitting night before Christmas

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Mon Dec 11 01:16:44 UTC 2023

Loom knitting night before Christmas


'Twas the night before Christmas all the candles were lit,
All I wanted to do was sit down and knit.
The knitted mittens were hung by the chimney with care,
But I still had twenty-eight more gifts to prepare.


Slippers galore were strung everywhere,
And I could not remember what went where,
As I watched the Christmas tree glow,
I thought, where did all the time go.

I had three hundred sixty four days to prepare,
But suddenly here we were without a moment to spare,
Strings were hanging loose everywhere,
I now have myself in despair.

I should make these hands knit faster,
Why oh why am I not the Hogwarts headmaster?
If I was, I could have twenty sets of needles shaking,
And all my gifts would be done for the making.


This year I have been to every knitting store,
Between Colorado, Ohio and more,
I have collected yarn for a hundred more knitting,
But all that is happening is my hands are splitting.

A sip of eggnog will cure my woes,
I should knit an afghan to warm my toes,
Oh, wait back to the gifts undone,
For a minute there I thought I was done.

A check list I must perform,
Who in the world is Norm?
How did all these people get on my list?
Now I have myself in a twist.


A sip of eggnog will get me back on track,
Before I fall flat on my back.
Knit knit is what I must do,
Faster faster what is next in the queue.

As the evening winds down, I think of what is pressing,
I will just sit and count my blessings,
I think how lucky I am to be a knitting teacher,
I get to hang out with so many fun creatures.

A sip of eggnog and a bite of cookie sheep,
Will be just what I need to keep me from falling asleep,
Oh twenty five more bookmarks I must knit.
For all those ladies I love, even the Brit.


I think this list just got a little longer,
I must make this eggnog a little stronger.
Maybe I will just plan some more knitting classes,
As soon as I can find my glasses.

A sip of eggnog is what I need,
To bring my knitting up to speed,
I must remember next year not to knit,
Any Christmas presents, I must quit.

I will put a note in my planner,
I can make a no more presents banner.
The thing I must do is finish this Fair Isle sweater,
For MY most important girl to wear in this cold weather.


With another sip of eggnog, I head off to bed,
The thought of knitting still in my head,
But before I do, I wish all of you,
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!



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