[NFB-Krafters-Korner] From Sheep to Chic in Interweave

carcione at access.net carcione at access.net
Thu Dec 21 13:37:44 UTC 2023

The latest issue of Interweave Knits just came out on BARD in braille.  It's
theme is "from sheep to chic", going from shearing to spinning to knitting.
And, from my first little bit read, it talks about the qualities of various
breeds of sheep's wool.  Imagine, getting wool from a particular sheep,
rather than some giant company.  I'm sure it's more expensive, but it's
interesting to think about.

And it has lots of smaller projects, like hats and mittens, besides sweaters
and vests.

I always get excited when I get a pile of patterns to look at.



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