[NFB-Krafters-Korner] a pair of Pony Tail Hairbands with wooden beads

Debbie debbie7515 at bellsouth.net
Sun Nov 26 02:11:14 UTC 2023

Hi Kathryn,

This sounds so nice and I love making things with beads and I have tons of
Christmas colored and Easter colored wooded beads as well as other wooden
beads. Would you please share with us how to make these Pony Tail Hairbands
with wooden beads please? You might could do it as a class or if you aren't
up to that could you do it by email if that is okay with the group. I would
love to make them for the OCC boxes for the children and for some of my
friends grandkids too. Thanks so much for sharing what you made. Take care.


Debbie Killian


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