[NFB-Krafters-Korner] hand crafted gifts

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Thu Nov 30 22:33:01 UTC 2023

Will you please tell me what size beads you want to store?  I ask as I have
storage plastic large  slide out containers that I store my spools of
embroidery machine spools if nspools..  I need to sort thru abnd toss sonme
to store?

I ask as I have some plastic containers that  holds like 48 spools of
  I need to get rid some  of the brand of threads that I don't use.

I want to say that it has 24 cubbies on each side.  Each measures about 3.5
by 2.5 and maybe 2inches deep.Each side slides outinndependently.  So you
flip it over to get to the other side.

The threads I have & use on my
 Machine I have labeled by numbered with a barcode scabnner and I have 16 of
these cobntaibners and I keep adding more.

KJoyce -----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Krafters-Korner <nfb-krafters-korner-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf
Of Debbie via NFB-Krafters-Korner
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2023 7:31 AM
To: 'List for blind crafters and artists' <nfb-krafters-korner at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Debbie <debbie7515 at bellsouth.net>
Subject: [NFB-Krafters-Korner] hand crafted gifts


I'm sorry to be sending so many emails, but I'm doing the different emails
to try to keep the subject lines on the topics being discussed. That way if
someone isn't interested in the topic in the subject line they can just use
the delete key and move on. However, I'm hoping that this email will spark
some interest because I'm certainly interested and have some friends that
are interested too. So here goes this topic. 

As we all know the holidays or Christmas is just around the corner. For some
of us that means buying gifts, for others it means making gifts and I guess
for some others it might not have nothing to do with gifts. As we all know
twice a month we can list our crafts we have made or extra craft supplies we
have on hand but are not using right now and so they are just taking up room
in our homes or even some craft supplies we are no longer going to use
because we have lost interest in a particular craft and do not want to do
that craft any more. So I would like to encourage anyone who wants to make
some extra money for the holidays or for whatever else you want to use the
money for to take the next 3 or 4 days to make a list of what items you have
to sale as gifts, or to make a list of what extra craft supplies you have
that are just sitting around collecting dust  you would like to make some
money on or to donate to some other crafter for them to use for there craft
projects or  for some of our charity work, or make that list of the craft
supplies you have lost interest in and no longer need  and put your list or
lists  out on our email list with a clear subject line on December 1st and
see if you can't make some extra pocket money for the holidays. I know I am
personally looking for some gifts for family and friends and I'm also
looking to find some good deals on craft supplies I need and I'm also
looking for some different craft supplies I don't have but would love to
find good deals on. I'm especially hoping someone will have some containers
that can hold beads. I have some of the different type boxes for that, with
the different size compartments, but I'm looking for other containers.  

   I'm sure hoping that some of you will have something that I want and that
we can do business together. We could always call this a winter craft clear
out. LOL. It can be fun, interesting and a great way to share with others
and to learn new and different crafts. So KK friends and crafters bring it
on!! I can't wait! Let's have some crafting fun by sharing with our KK


Debbie Killian



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