[NFB-Krafters-Korner] KK Cooks - Cookie Exchange

krafterskornerclasses at gmail.com krafterskornerclasses at gmail.com
Tue Nov 28 21:15:09 UTC 2023

This month we will be holding a virtual Cookie Swap on Sunday, December 3,
2023 at 3:00 PM EST.


Bring your favorite cookie recipe to share with the other elves in our


Not a member of KK Cooks yet?  Then fly your sleigh over to

KK Cooks | NFB Krafters Group (krafterskorner.org)

To enroll in the class.


Our classes are open to all current members of the NFB Krafters Group.

Not a member of the Krafters Korner Group yet?  To become a member all you
need to do is send an email to 

krafterskornermembership at gmail.com
<mailto:krafterskornermembership at gmail.com> 


and include the following information.

1.	First and last name.
2.	Email address.
3.	  Phone numbers home? Mobile?
4.	City and State.
5.	And if you are from outside of the United States, please include
what country.





Krafters Korner 

Membership Database Manager and Class Registrar 


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