[NFB-Krafters-Korner] upcoming class, Pony Bead Chick

krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 20:56:18 UTC 2024



Class name, Pony Bead Baby Chick 


Craft type, pony beading

Instructor,  <mailto:blindhands at aol.com> Joyce K

Class format, phone

Class date, Monday, March 18, 

Class time, 7:30 p.m. Eastern

Sign up deadline, March 11


Class description: The Easter season is full of pink bunnies and yellow
chicks! Why not make a chick craft using Pony Beads, like this Chick Bead
Pet! Simple thread and weave beads on a cord to create this egg-cellent


Come along & learn how to make a Baby chick to hang out with your Easter
basket.  Makes a great Key Ring or possibly put it in a plastic egg, if it


Skills needed: good hand coordination


Supply list:

*        2 black pony beads

*        3 orange pony beads

*        29 Yellow pony beads

*        48-inch wire, in gauge 20 give or take

*        wire cutter

*        key ring

Sign up here! <https://www.krafterskorner.org/students>           

Catherine Flesher,  treasurer


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