[NFB-Krafters-Korner] December Donations

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Mon Jan 1 00:34:14 UTC 2024

December Donations

I love all the participation. This month there was 90 hand crafted items and
79 miscellaneous items donated and 23 volunteer hours recorded. Also there
was $175 given in monetary funds. If you're wondering what some of the items
received this month were as follows crafted items it was blankets,
dishcloths, potholders,  hats, fidget blankets, snowmen wine glasses and
cards. The miscellaneous items were a casserole, cookies, socks, clothing
including the purchase of an ugly Christmas sweater and toys. The volunteer
hours were   website work, class preparation, teaching and sitting on boards
of various groups. The monetary donations went to a shelter for cats, to an
NFB affiliate, churches, Seeing Eye, shelters, and Salvation Army. 

All these items and peoples time was donated to 14 organizations. They were
Crafters Corner, Irondequoit United Church of Christ, New York State Parents
of blind children, seeing eye,  NFB New York state, St Rose Catholic Church,
Craft for YEG, Never Alone Food Bank, Toys for Tots, the Christmas at Sea
project of the Seaman's Church Institute, NFB National,  Vanderbult children
hospital, ladies homeless shelter in TN and Salvation Army.

If you missed getting your donations in time for December still report they
and they will go onto January stats.


If you have any donations to report you can send them to me at

Shelleyschuett at telus.net <mailto:Shelleyschuett at telus.net> 

Also if you have any questions or suggestions for a charity you would like
me to check in to I'd like to hear from you.



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