[NFB-Krafters-Korner] 6 month review and stats

SHELLEY SCHUETT shelleyschuett at telus.net
Mon Jan 1 00:37:41 UTC 2024

Time sure does fly when you're having fun. It's already been 6 months since
we started the Caring and sharing class for this year. There are many
projects you could work on now that your Christmas crafting is finished

You can make items for local charities or mission work through your church,
or you can make items for the charities we have focused on. Hear is a quick
reminder of the charities we have already learned more about.

The Red Scarf Project 

Through Foster Care to Success

www.fc2success.org <http://www.fc2success.org> 

Make red scarves and are put in care packages to youths that have aged out
of the foster system.

Warmth for Warriors

www.warmthforwarriors.com <http://www.warmthforwarriors.com> 

Knit and crochet skull cap to go under soldier's helmets. Also make small
stockings to fill with items at Christmas time.

Operation Christmas Child

www.samaritanspurse.org <http://www.samaritanspurse.org> 

Make craft items of all types for children. The items are packed in shoe
boxes and sent to various countries along with the word of God.

Hats for the Homeless

www.hats4thehomeless.org <http://www.hats4thehomeless.org> 

Make hats, scarves and mittens for the homeless of New York.

The Cat House

www.thecathouse.org <http://www.thecathouse.org> 

Is a non-profit shelter for cats that you can support buy purchasing
supplies, or crafting fleece toys or blankets for.

If you make for any of the above charities or a local organization please
remember to write me at shelleyschuett at telus.net
<mailto:shelleyschuett at telus.net>   and tell me all about your donation and
who you gifted. 

Now that you have been reminded of which charities we have learned about I
just bet you would like to see how many items have been donated over the
last 6 months. I'm pleased to report that our members have given to 55
organizations in the last 6 months and had given to 48 organizations in the
1st 6 months last year, which reach all around the world.  Below you will
find the number of what we did in the first 6 months last year and the 1st 6
months of this year, so you can see for yourself how much more work has been

This year 6 month hand crafted items 1604 and last year's 6 month items 950

This year's 6 months miscellaneous donations 1856 and last year's 6 months
donations were 1760

This year's volunteer hours for the first 6 months is 454 and last year's 6
month hours were 467 hours.

This year's 6 month monetary funds have been $280 and Last year's 6 months
donations were $345 

If you haven't joined it's not too late, because the Caring and Sharing
class is ongoing and you can join at any time. Even if you don't join the
class, but you're a member of KK you can still write me with any donations
that you give to charity. We have already made a big difference and working
together we can make an even bigger difference in other's lives.





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