[NFB-Krafters-Korner] August 5 meeting & information

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Fri Jun 28 19:07:06 UTC 2024

I plan on sending out a weekly reminder about the August 5 Meeting to be
held at 7:30 PM

Call in #:


Access code 614370#


Discussions on Friday nights  July 22 & July 29beginning 6 PM.  Come with
your questions, suggestions  & ideas for Krafters Korner 

Call in number same as the above.


We already have  an "Email Service" and will be putting that in place in
July, so watch for that announcement.


Our website will be maintained  by Cathy & Tracey and will stay as:

www.KraftersKorner.org <http://www.KraftersKorner.org> 

as we own that domain.


All classes will be booked  through:

blindhands at AOL.com


Teachers:  sign up for classes & class lists will remain.  Class proposals
need to be filled in 5-6 weeks prior to beginning of first class.


Students please do become a member by following the instructions on our
website.  Classes are free, but you need to be a registered member. prior to
taking a class. 


There will be a list of jobs that I will need help with and that will be
discussed on the two Friday N9ight chats.  If you can think of any jobs that
you can think of please send them to:

blindhands at AOOL.com <mailto:blindhands at AOOL.com> 


Joyce Kane


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