[Nfb-lions] New member intro and penpal magazine

adrijana prokopenko adrijana.prokopenko at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 09:58:27 UTC 2014

Hi all,
 I just joined this list, so thought to say hi. My name is Adrijana and
 I am a totally blind lady of 35 from Macedonia. I am a teacher of
 English in a school for blind children and if there are others on this
 list or elsewhere that you know that may wish to communicate with me,
 feel free to give them my contact info. It is always nice to make some
 new friends.

  I also wanted to let you know of my magazine for penpals. It is free,
 goes by email and we already got more than 100 subscribers in just two
 months. I am always looking for ways to help more and more people
 learn about the magazine, so if you would like to subscribe and spread
 the word elsewhere, feel free to do so. My email address is:
Adrijana.prokopenko at gmail.com
 Thank you.

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