[Nfb-lions] Fw: Lion Magazine Now Available on NFB Newsline

Paul Smith paulsmith at samobile.net
Thu Oct 1 10:02:41 UTC 2015

Hey folks, I tried forwarding this to you all previously but somehow it 
didn't go through, probably because I used the wrong ending.  Anyway I 
was so enthusiastic about Lion Magazine being on NFB Newsline that, at 
the suggestion of our immediate past club president, I wrote him an 
article about this subject and, as you will read, it was sent to 
someone to hopefully be included in our next district newsletter, and 
hopefully, just hopefully, it will engender new "blood" in our local 
club as well as others in our district.  Just thought you'd all like to 
read it.  Lion Paul
Forwarded message:

From: Robert Eisenberg <lionbob at hotmail.com>
to: Paul Smith <paulsmith at samobile.net>, Robert Eisenberg <lionbob at hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: Lion Magazine Now Available on NFB Newsline
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015 19:50:26 -0400

Hi Lion Paul,

Greetings !!

I have sent your E-mail to out District Governor, so he can send the 
information too all of the clubs in District 22A.


PS: Keep up the great work.

> From: paulsmith at samobile.net
> To: lionbob at hotmail.com
> Subject: Lion Magazine Now Available on NFB Newsline
> Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 01:34:05 -0400

> It is with great pleasure to announce that, beginning with the
> July-August 2015 issue of The Lion Magazine, that the same is available
> on NFB Newsline. This service, an initiative of the National
> Federation of the Blind, has been available since August 1994. From
> the humble beginning of just one publication, USA Today, it has grown
> to over 300 newspapers nationwide by state and over 30 magazines with
> more to come. Eligible blind and print-restricted individuals
> throughout the U.S. and its territories can avail themselves of this
> free service by calling during weekday business hours at
> 1-866-504-7300. The same is also availabl via computer, but I'm not
> sure how one goes about it. What I just described is by phone.
> Eligible recipients who want to avail themselves of the same by
> computer can most likely go to
> http://www.nfbnewslineonline.org.
> Of course, one must register with the Federation, but I'm sure that if
> you mention that you're a client of the National Library Service for
> the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) of the Library of Congress,
> at least by phone, registration information may be waived, although
> more than likely the folks at NFB Newsline will want to check with your
> regional NLS library to verify that you are indeed a client of theirs.

> For those of you who are already subscribers by phone, from the main
> menu go to option 7, Magazines, then choose 6, General interest. From
> there press 9 and in this list you will find the Lion Magazine under
> either 1 or 2. Please, all you Lions who know eligible patrons, tell
> eligible patrons about the service if they are unaware of it, and
> especially mention The Lion Magazine, and in this way we just might get
> more members in our various clubs.

> Lion Paul, Overlea Lions Club, District 22A

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