[NFB-Lions] White Cane Days.

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 00:55:15 UTC 2021

Hi, All,


Apparently, our MD-19 Chair has been busy regarding this issue today.


His wife, Colette, Arvidson, Secretary of our MD-19 KOTB Committee, sent the info below, that will really help all of us as we reach out to our individual clubs, zones, and districts.


I would encourage all of us to clarify our position, regarding this matter, and bring them the up-to-date info on the White Cane Safety Day information.


If anyone is working with a foundation, like our Northwest Foundation, A name-change for this sight and hearing foundation event should be changed, with a resolution making it through the chain of command up to LCI.


See below.



In checking further on the LCI Web site, Here is the link to what LCI considers appropriate White Cane days activities:


Here is the link to what LCI shows as White Cane Days, on October 15 each year and for which they provide the stickers previously noted.




When I talked with Carol Torset as well, she noted that the White Cane activities in Washington the first weekend in May were created as a fundraiser for the Northwest Foundation.  It appears some clubs give all money raised to the foundation and others split the money in some way for local Lions projects.   As you noted she is supportive and suggests that we talk with Rock White (whose wife, Patti Allen, had been the Executive Director for MD19 for over 40 years)and request getting on the agenda of a foundation meeting to address these concerns.  


Peter Anderson Executive Director for MD 19 also understands our concerns, and couldn’t believe and was embarrassed that he hadn’t realized the negative impact.  He also suggested that we speak with Bill Lundin, Chair of the Foundation who would be able to really clarify the history and exactly how the foundation provides whatever it is they provide.  Evidently there was previous controversy over the Foundation as it used to provide and eyebank and then that was taken over by Sight life, but the foundation still provides for a vision screening van and/or equipment for the schools and cost shares(50%) with MD19 Lions clubs for things like hearing aids and devices for vision assistance, be they braille devices or magnifiers for those who qualify as 130% of current poverty level (About $16,000 annually for one person).


I think it would be good for us to get a clear definition of what they do, as we suggest that they Lions stop calling it White Cane Days when it is anything but, and suggest that Lions Clubs do support the educational and awareness projects for the October 15 White Cane Days that is promoted by LCI, which includes connecting people to NFB for White Canes, among other things described at the Link above.


With full knowledge, as well as awareness of how our various clubs have been doing what they have believed to be white cane days, we can move forward effectively.  That said I think we have a great start.


🌄 (sunrise over mountains)

“embrace each day with His mercies and blessings.”



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