[Nfb-new-hampshire] This year's NHAB walk, and NFB as a Team Chair.

Guilbert Vickery citizen at ncia.net
Tue Mar 3 21:18:42 UTC 2009

hello All:

Hope you all are starting to think spring!  Along with it comes the desire to get out, and walk to enhance wellness.

With this said it's that time of the year once again to think about the annual NHAB Walk.  Last year the NFB of New Hampshire was very involved with the team concept, and we truly had many folks from the NFB "We Talk The Talk, And Walk The Walk" in participation for the great event.
I am hopeful to have a great number of folks plan to walk in this year's event once again, but I will say there's a need to make some changes.
First of all because of time constraints I will not be able to be a Team Chair this year as the early stages have been moving ahead, and this is to let you all know that hopefully someone can step up to possibly take on this role as Team chair.  I have also spoken with NFB of New Hampshire State Affiliate President Marie Johnson, and she too can't commit to the task of a Team Chair position.  She will however still plan to walk in the event.
So what does this mean?  Nothing regarding the NFB of New Hampshire participation it's just that we need someone to take on that position.  We will still need Team Captains, members, and many supports to enhance the activity.  I've talked with Mary Chase from NHAB, and she is most willing to work with someone who can fulfill this opportunity to become the new Team Chair.
if you or you know of someone who would like to become the new NFB of New Hampshire Team Chair please let me know or contact Mary Chase at NHAB (1-800-464-3075).  Let's walk together, and  make this another successful event this year.  Thank you.

Gil Vickery

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