[Nfb-new-hampshire] A look behind the NH affiliate scenes
Marie Johnson
jomar2000 at comcast.net
Mon Mar 1 23:18:36 UTC 2010
> Hello ladies and gents;
> Ed has asked for an enlightenment of the duties that are performed so
> quietly and without notice, behind the scenes. so I would love to give
> you all a glimpse of things as they are. I'm sincerely not being sarcastic
> here, this will be the most educational and important post that I could
> provide as President, to all of you as members of the affiliate and
> members at large.
> Since the Board meeting it has really dawned on me that the Presidency
> will never be able to be successfully passed on without significant
> training in several areas. I hope this will give much food for thought
> for those of you that are contemplating taking a leadership role as an
> Executive officer this year, or in the future.
> * President and Treasurer oversee all authorizations of expenses, in
> written form, banking and investment accts, fund-raising, monthly
> reports to Nat'l, keeping track of and collecting dues from members at
> large and coordinating with Carol who is so awesome about making sure
> that cards, appropriate type baskets or sunshine monies are purchased
> and sent immediately
> note; all written authorizations are a new mandate from Nat'l over the
> past year for every affiliate. It has been a whole new learning process
> for all concerned, especially in the recent transition of our new
> Treasurer
> * President and Treasurer also handle the immense responsibilities of the
> financials in regards to the Childs magic shows, yearly tax forms and
> obligations, as well as state and local tax issues. Also, the signing and
> notarizing of yearly paperwork involving the Secretary of States office
> * update and report yearly not only to Nat'l, but the Secretary of States
> office, with the contact information for every member of all chapters and
> in general, of the affiliate
> my other Presidential duties include;
> * keeping David B. and Donald in constant phone contact as they do not
> have the technology to stay apprised
> * arranging board meetings, securing location and topics
> * arranging state conventions regarding hotels, food, transport, location,
> working with entire membership to select programs for the day or days,
> when it was applicable and writing and posting agendas and assist in
> sending out all the invitations to those that would be a part of the day
> * requesting from Nat'l, a rep for the state con
> * making all arrangements for Washington seminar, and Nat'l convention,
> hotel and transport
> assuring that delegate gets Nat'l reimbursement, seeing as it has not been
> me to attend
> * Newsline program coordinator, marketing and promoting Newsline
> throughout the state, maintaining the administrative website and keeping
> all info current and relevant, working in conjunction with the talking
> book library to keep current all the subscriber info and applications,
> working with the Governor's commission to assure that the contract fees
> are kept paid, working with Scott from Nat'l whenever necessary to discuss
> problems and or telecommunication fees, and if that isn't enough... now
> featuring, working with other agencies to make all their inaccessible
> newsletters or articles of interest accessible and viable in order to post
> them to the states channel via telephone, which they would really like to
> see on the system
> * Braille coin program coordinator, which has now ended in a sense, but
> there are still many coins that can be purchased through Nat'l and it is
> still important to get them out there to as many people as possible
> * Braille literacy program coordinator, an on going project for the
> present and future need to bring Braille awareness to the forefront of all
> of our communities
> Pass out Braille literacy information, have Braille events, reach parents
> of blind kids to excite them about the need for their children to learn
> Braille, things of that kind.
> * coordinator for the yearly Imagination Fund fund-raising projects,
> which in turn award the affiliates with yearly grants
> * coordinator for other affiliate action programs developed by Nat'l, that
> no one else agrees to do
> note; all coordinator positions required that the person attended any and
> all phone conferences and trys to motivate the affiliate
> * Nat'l scholarship interviews and letters to committee for applicants.
> this is particularly critical as Nat'l only gives out 30 scholarships out
> of about 450 and depend on the Presidents to interview and make absolute
> honest referrals. I have a letter that I will be posting soon from the
> committee as an example, to show you all the importance of this
> responsibility as well
> * white cane monthly reports, contacts all recipients of free white canes,
> whether they are in theNFB or not, to assess their situation and see if
> they are interested in joining, or how we can ve of value to them in the
> way of mentoring, support, yadi, yadi
> * main contact for affiliate, handles all calls from persons of interest
> and or solicitors
> * picks up quilts, other raffle prizes, donation of equipment to be given
> to those in need, etc, and makes sure they get to their new owners.
> note, could not possibly be accomplished without the essential
> transportation provided by Julie
> additional note; I have seriously failed to make the affiliate aware
> lately of the donated equipment that has come in and already been
> distributed. Sorry bout that. Gil also made a huge donation of a brand new
> color CCTV unit that we were absolutely thrilled and excited to provide
> immediately to an 8 year old blind girl at Christmas. The reason I am
> mentioning it now, is because the appreciation of the father and
> grandfather of the recipient were overwhelmingly tearful and their
> gratitude could in no way ever be expressed. This little girl has for the
> first time in her life, been able to see some things because of the
> generosity of another.
> and I am truly sorry that we did not share that with all of you at the
> time. (I guess we just did it and went on to normal affairs because that
> is what we normally do.
> * writes all begging letters and sends them out electronically and some by
> snail mail. Also writes all thank you notes, although I have slipped
> greatly recently in this area and then I offer electronic copies of such
> things to anyone that wants to use them as templates
> * Ed and Gil's chapters, that do presentations to health fairs, Lions
> clubs, and fund-raising events such as the notable Littleton magic show
> every year to help keep their chapters afloat and assist their members in
> financial ways
> * Youth slam coordinator, handled by Wayne.
> Wayne graciously gives of his time and efforts each year to go to Nat'l
> and participate in all the youth programs and brings back what he has
> learned to apply it to our own youth
> * student division seminars at Nat'l, handled by Stephen in the past. Not
> sure who will resume that responsibility now that he has graduated.
> Stephen also graciously offered his time and efforts each year to fulfill
> this obligation particularly fulfilling one of the essential duties that
> he saw as part of his Presidency of the student division
> * state scholarship process, handled by Jim and Judy in recent years, and
> now Sandy will assume duties
> requires the contacting of schools, agencies, others that are involved
> with seeking grants for education. Receiving transcripts and picking the 2
> best applicants, if there are indeed 2 or more, which there had been in
> past years. Jim and Judy's commitment to choosing the best was also a key
> element and not an easy task
> note again; as we talked on Saturday, this is also a critical part of what
> we do for the future of our blind and visually impaired youth
> * and last, but certainly not the very least, all the tremendous work
> done by our NFB moderator David Andrews, who keeps our important msg's and
> yes, even our dirty laundry humming along without any problems!
> I would never, ever, be able to oversee our many NH lists. So...kudos to
> you David!!
> Believe it or not I may have forgotten a couple of things but if they come
> to mind, I will post again.
> Oh wait, I cannot possibly close this off until I say that if I have
> forgotten to recognize anyone for their most valuable participation, then
> I hereby offer my sincere and humble apologies.
> This actually was only meant to be a draft for your general knowledge but
> I guess you all know me and my ways!!
> I again want to extend our thanks too, to Dr. Schroeder for taking his
> valuable time to fly all the way to NH to offerhis expertise and
> assistance.
> So... who wants to move on up into the seat of the President?
> Marie
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